View Full Version : citalopram question.

17-08-11, 20:23
i have been suffering with anxiety for the last few years, and recently it got way worse so i was prescribed citalopram 20mg.
as normal i got waay more panicky at first but then settled in, but it ended up making me feel less anxious and more depressed, so it was recommended i start taking it only once every other day.
on monday, i ran out, and realised i had forgotten to fill out my form for my repeat prescription, so for the past few days i have just been going without.

now my heart is beating heavily (but at a normal speed), and the sides of both my hands feel cold and tingly (on the verge of pins and needles but not quite), and my breathing has become quite short.
now i have been ill with a migraine and a bad cough for the last week too, and it's been so long since i've had a panic attack.
are these normal symptoms for citalopram withdrawals or should i be more concerned? /:

thanks, nell x

18-08-11, 10:22
It all sound quite normal fir cit withdrawal, you're supposed to taper off it slowly because it causes these things to happen :( try and make sure you always have enough to keep you going

All the best