View Full Version : Dental visit

Gemma T
17-08-11, 20:37
Visited my dentist today. He said i dont have leaukoplakia (i know i spelt it wrong) and he cant see any causes for concern and that i dont have oral cancer.

I explained I have health anx and that ive been torturing myself and he said he will send me to the specialist for my piece of mind and my piece of mind only. Such a nice guy and very understanding and sympathetic.

He did say that he was happy my health anx has stopped me smoking and welcomed it if it means i never do again lol his attempt of a joke but sincere none the less.

Feel better but this niggle is still there. I start theraphy on monday and my referral will take up to 6 weeks so all in good time.

x x x x:hugs:

18-08-11, 03:57
Good to hear Gemma :) Sounds like a great dentist to refer you for your peace of mind. i hope everything goes well with therapy and you are feeling much better soon!

Gemma T
18-08-11, 13:25
Thanks Amiee x x x

18-08-11, 13:26
Just out of curiosity would did the dentist say about the lumps you mentioned?

Gemma T
18-08-11, 13:33
The lumps at the side of my tongue are normal anatomy. As they are on both sides. He said cancer does not happen symetrically. He also said cancer gets worse over time and mine has not. The lump on the roof of my mouth was no concern to him. He could not even find it. Again he said cancer gets worse and is not the same colour as the rest of the roof of my mouth. (mine is) you cant see the lump on the roof of my mouth you can only feel like a bump. Not ball shaped at all just like a little hill. He also said if it goes up and down its nothing like cancer which gets bigger and bigger.

The funny light pinky translucent patch in my mouth is just a different colour from the rest and nothing sinister.

He explained that because ive recently given up smoking my mouth will be experiencing alot if changes as now the blood vessels are reaching the surface. He said smoking prevents this.

The general rule is that if something is on both sides it is not sinister. If something fluctuates in size its not sinister

x x x

18-08-11, 13:38
Glad to hear it went well for you. I think i am due a trip to the dentist as i have a few problems i am worrying about myself.

Gemma T
18-08-11, 13:42
He also said stress is a major factor in my symptoms. That coupled with the low b12 and folic acid and given up smoking and my continuous poking and prodding, im bound to have some things going on.

Not sure if you get ulcers but I have had tiny one for a while now. Do you know if stress can prolong ulcers?

x x x

18-08-11, 13:47
He also said stress is a major factor in my symptoms. That coupled with the low b12 and folic acid and given up smoking and my continuous poking and prodding, im bound to have some things going on.

Not sure if you get ulcers but I have had tiny one for a while now. Do you know if stress can prolong ulcers?

x x x

I have lots of painless risen bits inside my cheeks and above and under my lips. I think i have always had these but since i have had anxiety i have looked for things to be wrong.

Gemma T
18-08-11, 13:56
I understand. Mine started with a swollen bottom lip and skin irratation. Eeveryone said it was an allergy then others said it wasnt. Because the opinions were conflicting i went in to overdrive with the mouth checking.

When i saw the dentist yesterday he laughed at how much i knew about dental anatomy and told me i would make a great dentist. Its spiralled out of control. I started checking more and more and noticing more and more. Half the things only i can see (which is very worrying lol). The lumps on the side of my tongue were never painful or gave me any jip until i was asked if they hurt. Then all of a sudden i could swear i felt them all the time and they were sore and i experinced pain in this area. Until i was told i had a few ulcers under my tongue i was under the impression that i never got them and then all of a sudden they are there are there a long time.

I know exactly what your going through. It drives us more and more mad. I have an overactive gland and its been that way for three years since all this its been playing me up. Inc my ear which had all led me to believe i was stage two and my cancer had spread to my lymph nodes. Had i had no thoughts of cancer my glands would not have come up or i wouldnt have thought anything of it.

Your not alone in any of this x x x