View Full Version : Don't know how much longer I can put off going to the docs again!

17-08-11, 20:37
I am so sick of all these symptoms now, how are we supposed to know whats related to anxiety and what might be a potentially serious illness??
For the last few days my lower abdomen has been very sore, kinda like period pain, but not my time of the month. I'm also getting a lot of lower back pain, and i just had a walk down the shop and it felt like I was 90 instead of the 39 years that i am. My back was aching, my legs were aching. And don't even get me started on the trouble i am having with my digestive system, more regular bowel movements than usual, loads of trapped wind, bloating, I am just so fed up. I know I dont have cervical cancer, but there are so many other cancers i could have in my abdomen area, its all i can think about. I know i could beat this anxiety if i wasn't feeling so physically ill. Is anyone else having any trouble with their abdomen area, specifically period type pain, lower back ache etc.?

17-08-11, 20:47
Hi MVP, I could have written your post, I have exactly the same. It started a few days ago and is most uncomfortable. Yestrday I felt so sore with my back and tummy area and I was also very tired. The tiredness has gone today, but the discomfort hasn't. I put on some support pants to ease the discomfort which helped. The last week or so I was having more motions than usual too. Please don't worry too much, I am sure it will wear off soon. Hope this helps:blush:

17-08-11, 21:04
I forgot to mention about how tired i have been too, I have basically just been going to work, coming home and lying on the bed and not wanted to move. I have absolutely no motivation whatsoever at the moment :shrug:xx

17-08-11, 21:10
I often think that if i didnt feel so crap all the time then i would find it easier to deal with anxiety and depression. I dont have HA just general anxietys.
But they go hand in hand, You feel anxious and low and all these symptoms occur.
Most people on here have too many symptoms for them to have a serious illness, i know that sounds a bit daft but tests would show if all the symptoms that people were experencing were due to something that needs sorting out.
I hurt from head to toe, i alway have stomach issues, back pain, im tired, dizzy, no energy, thats just the start, no point in listing everything....... is there anything wrong with me, maybe a few things could be sorted out but as a whole i think its due to always feeling anxious.

18-08-11, 07:44
i MVP, just wondering how you are this morning, let me know. My man has just gone to work and I have to go to the supermarked today as food is running out, and it's not a job I am looking forward to as I still feel off it. The pains in my back are much better this morning and I do hope that you will be feeling a lot better too. Maybe catch up with you later in the day.

18-08-11, 07:49
Baileys, it sounds as though it is just the anxiety, when I get really stressed about something the tiredness can take my feet from under me.I seem to get some really good days and I tackle all the housework and other jobs and then when I am stressed I get the tummy upsets, dizziness, nausea and exhaustion. It is just the way I am made. I take anti anxiety tabs but don't know how effective they are really, but don't want to try not taking them, goodness knows what I would be like without them. Keep battling and I hope you have a reprieve soon:blush:

18-08-11, 08:03
Baileys, it sounds as though it is just the anxiety, when I get really stressed about something the tiredness can take my feet from under me.I seem to get some really good days and I tackle all the housework and other jobs and then when I am stressed I get the tummy upsets, dizziness, nausea and exhaustion. It is just the way I am made. I take anti anxiety tabs but don't know how effective they are really, but don't want to try not taking them, goodness knows what I would be like without them. Keep battling and I hope you have a reprieve soon:blush:

Thank-you, I will keep battling, i hope i win it one day. Good luck at the supermarket!

18-08-11, 08:17
Thanx so much for asking how I am this morning, how are you? I am just on my way to work which at the moment is a struggle as I just want to stay under the duvet all day. I'm not too bad when I get to work cause it distracts me, but getting out of bed can sometimes be a battle. Anyway still feeling the same with abdomen and back aching, so I will wait til my normal appt with gp next week and mention it then. How are you feeling this morning, I hope you have a good day and get on all right at the supermarket, that is one of my pet hates at the moment. I have always hated shopping, but anxiety makes it that little bit worse especially when its busy, but we have to get on with daily lives or we will starve, and I'm betting that's not gonna make us any better lol. Let me know how you get on later xx

18-08-11, 16:04
Hi MVP, just a quickie catch up. Went with a friend to the supermarket which takes my mind off me and how I am feeling. Was OK once I had dragged myself out of bed, better than yesterday morning. My back started aching and that horrible periody feeling was back when I got home, so I guess we will both have to put up with it until it works its way out.

Hope you had a good day at work and managed to forget how you feel. Be kind to yourself this evening, have a nice cuppa and relax. I will be interested to know how you are feeling.:)

18-08-11, 17:31
Hey there, glad you got on ok at the supermarket but sorry you not feeling well again. I have had a busy day at work today but I have had that horrible bladder thing all day again, where it feels like your gonna burst, but when you go the loo, there is no wee wee! Still having the achy abdomen and just aching pretty much all over at the moment. I am so glad I have a sitting down job as I would not be able to do a job standing up all day anymore, then I would be out of work, so I'm lucky on that side of things. I just can't stop worrying that there must be something seriously wrong with me, cause why else would I be having this constant aching and discomfort. When did your discomfort start and if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?xx

19-08-11, 07:48
Hi again, how are you this morning. To answer your first question, I have had the symptoms 2 to 3 weeks and i am 67 yrs old. I do get water infections but usually get no specific symptoms except I get lethargic, but this is different but I am thinking that both of us could have a urine infection and I think it would be best if you took a water sample along to the doctors to get it tested. You do have the symptoms of a water infection. I will let you know how I get on too.

I don't think you need to worry about it being anything serious. Drink plenty of water today if you can. Hope you get on OK at work.

If you do take a sample to the doctors this morning a practice nurse should be able to do you a dip stick test there and then and prescribe anti biotics if necessary. Best of luck and we will compare notes later:blush:

19-08-11, 08:12
Morning, am feeling bit better this morning, the wee problem is not so bad. This is something that comes and goes with me and I have had 3 urine tests and no infection. So maybe it just comes and goes with anxiety, who knows. I am going to get a docs appt this evening tho as I am still worried about my abdomen, I had really bad stomach cramps this morning like I get on my first day of my period, but I am not due for another 2 weeks, so this is my big worry at the moment, it is probably all connected anyway. I hope you get on ok at the docs and will let you know how I get on. Are you on any medication for anxiety?xx

19-08-11, 08:43
Hi again MVP, I was just reading some of the other posts for yesterday the 18th Aug and read the one from hdouglass "is it my head or my bladder" and it is very interesting and worth a read. I'm glad you are going to the doctors tonight and I will check on your progress later this evening. Yes Iam on medication for anxiety and have been on and off for many years. I seem to have had some form of anxiety ever since I was a child and definitely from the age of 17 - it's just the way I was made, but wish I had been given a Cindy Crawford body as it would at least have helped to look good lol. Have a good day and I will catch up later - good luck at the doctors:yesyes:

19-08-11, 13:03

I've been having similar problems - lower backache, tummy pains, loose stools, very dark coloured stools (sorry TMI!!), periods gone haywire (lasting only 2 or 3 days). Went to my GP this morning and he checked me over (felt my tummy, made me bend different ways to check movement in back) and said I'm fine! He doesn't think it's anything to worry about. Things have been like this for 3 or 4 months so I guess I'd better get used to it!!

Hope you're feeling better soon and have more luck at the docs than I did!!
K xxx

19-08-11, 16:44
Hey there, how has everyone been feeling today, I know I have had a few wobbles. I couldn't get a docs appt for tonight so I am going on Monday, I'm sure whatever I've got won't get worse over the weekend (knocks wood!!) And its funny that u should mention periods cause my last one only really lasted a day! Usually looking forward to having a few beers at the weekend, but can't even do that anymore as I feel so ill the next day, its not worth risking it. I am on fluoxetine and I know I shouldn't drink while I'm on the medication, but it seems that's the only thing I have left to enjoy, pretty sad really!! Well I will just have to eat some chocs and crisps instead and watch me soaps and I'm sure everything will be ok :-)

19-08-11, 19:26
Hi MVP, sorry you couldn't get an appointment till Monday. Just take it easy over the weekend and enjoy your chocolate. Were you OK at work today?

I have a low grade water infection, Dr. said it isn't as bad as some I get, so I've got some anti biotics. Funny really because the symptoms have been worse this time than I get with a higher grade infection.

Will catch up with you later on, so have a good weekend:)

19-08-11, 19:31
HI Kah, welcome to the club, its funny that we all have the same symptoms, and funny you should mention the colour of the stools because mine have been exactly the same and it didn't seem to match what I was eating. Ah well we will all be right in the end, at least you have had the OK from the doctor, so that should have put your mind at rest. Have a good weekend.