View Full Version : please anyone with advice on cervical cancer!!! really worried

17-08-11, 20:47
I posted a couple of days about cervical cancer and how worried I have sudden become about it but got no replies so trying again!
I am wanting someone to clear up what causes cervical cancer? For.example, do all men have hpv, even virgin men? I am 20 years old and have only had sex with my long term boyfriend who was a virgin when we first had sex. I am on the pill so we don't use condoms.
What worries me the most is that in the UK you can't have a smear test until the age of 25 which is still 5 years for me and so I'm worried I'm going to get cervical cancer within that time and die like these stories you hear of young girls who die from it before their first smear.
So can anyone offer me any advice on what chance I have of getting crevical cancer at my age and with my sexual history??

17-08-11, 21:35
Hiya there wad a feature on cervical cancer on this morning today. The symptoms are irregular bleeding or offensive smelling discharge so if you don't have any of these then I'm sure you are fine x i don't think there is anything that makes you.more likely to get it either, just whether its on your genes maybe. Hope this helps you x x

17-08-11, 21:49
It's either from the age of 25 or when you become sexually active. Unless that's just Wales....