View Full Version : Marijuana

09-05-06, 21:27
I was wondering if there are any other people out there who have a smoke when feeling low etc. I used to smoke a few joints a day until 2 weeks ago, i am 99% sure that weed has caused my anxiety / panic attacks.

I used to have a few beers in the evening followed by a smoke, i have done this for a few years and even after only stopping for 2 weeks i feel like my anxiety is now dropping and i can return to normal life.

I did have a very bad panic attack last week but i put it down to just having a stressful day. The last few months i found myself avoiding busy places and worrying a lot, i used to have smoke to combat these negative feelings but i think this fuelled my anxiety.

Anybody else here on the weed?

09-05-06, 21:34
Try these

pls dnt judge.but did taking drugs contribute?? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2426)
Screwed myself up using drugs (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5333)
advice on mixing citalopram and ecstasy (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4824)


09-05-06, 21:37
Thanks Nicola

april tones
09-05-06, 21:42
Hiya cantstop!!!
I dont do it now but did that and other drugs bout 5 yrs ago!
I feel i went downhill mental health wise from there
Its been off and on but drugs have truly damaged my way of thinking i belive!xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

10-05-06, 06:51
Hi - I smoked it regularly for about 5 years and didn't feel any 'anxious/panicy' effects, though if I smoked when I was feeling down did get serious paranoia. I haven't smoked for about 8 years now and now is when the anxiety has hit, so not sure if there's a connection or not! I guess it depends how your body reacts to it, everyone reacts to different things in different ways.
If your anxiety is lessening, I stay off it!
Love Helen

10-05-06, 10:54
hello there canstop! im new too, and just wanted to say that as I have suffered with anxiety and panic for a few years I thought at one time I would try to start smoking ganja, what with it supossed to calm you down and that! and bloody hell It made me much WORSE I can tell u! it did exactly what booze does to me completely sets me back and the panic and anxiety comes back ten fold! I now have made a consious decision to never smoke it again and hav also recently packed the booze in too! Im not a heavy drinker just used to binge drink if I went out for an evening with friends to find confidence when I was up to it, but I cant even do that now! Im back in the doldrums because of one poxy night out three wks ago! its mad how things can upset your body chemistry.
