View Full Version : Hi New from Wales.

18-08-11, 13:26
New to site.First post.I have suffered depression after losing my mother when I was 17.I'm now 43 and still struggling.Main problem at mo is really bad anxiety attacks.I actually woke up last night sweating in a panic,first time this has happened and was really scary.
Could really do with some friendly kind words please.

18-08-11, 13:28
Hi felinefine

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
18-08-11, 13:57
Welcome to the site, we have lots of members from Wales. Panic is very frightening, but it wont hurt you. You need to see your gp to get a diagnosis and what your options are. Read all the info in the left hand column about anxiety to get a better idea of what it is etc. Youre not alone, nice to have you with us x:welcome:

18-08-11, 14:02

18-08-11, 14:55
:welcome:to the forum.

18-08-11, 17:31
Hi felinefine,

Welcome to the site, glad to have you with us.
Sorry to hear you're feeling so bad....we are all in the same boat here so you're not alone.

Emily xxx

18-08-11, 22:25
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process


19-08-11, 17:59
Just wonder if there are any members in my area(Swansea) that would like to chat.........

19-08-11, 19:57
Hey I'm from Swansea! Also on fb x