View Full Version : Come on, look over here for revitalisation.

18-08-11, 14:13
So, I take it you are aware your symptoms are induced by your "thinking", that negatively cyclical thought process of "what if" and "what the BEEP is THIS? I didn't have a pain in my finger before, it must be elephant cancer".

Relax. Good posture and breathing exercises. Address your posture and breathing, this will soooooooooooothe you to no end.

Breath in for one count, hold for four and then exhale for two counts.

This simple exercise, with practise will ease you and correct that shallow-chest breathing with more revitalising diaphragmatic breathing.

Control is important, you know? Don't loose yourself in some flailing pathetic, "Oh my, I'm all gonna pass out, oh jinkies why did I listen to the crazy man".

Just know you are secure and don't follow the arrows your sensations toss up. You are the driver, the pilot, the conductor.

You've allowed your consciousness to expand out of your mind and consume your body and the world around you. Reel it back in. Stop "feeling" the world and put it back in your mind. You know? Stop using your body to perceive your existence. You just need to think and think calm, contented and happy thoughts. Let them invade your life.

Make your body an environment that no long accommodates anxious thought. Take your own advice! You are a smart person, a considerate person, a good person. Listen to your compassionate advice. Let yourself feel confident. Follow the lead you'd follow if you were not anxious. Ease into it at a comfortable pace.

Try watching some stand up comedy. Chris Rock will make you LOL. It can be found on YouTube. Laughing can take some time to get used to so try a mediocre comedian to start with. Then just feel great. Write a screen-play and send it to the BBC. Draw some pictures. Take up photography.

Distract your good self. Use your creative intellect constantly throughout the day as a useful asset in pursuing a passion - this will stop your anxiety as the part of the brain used to create symptoms is distracted.

It's basically known as, enjoying yourself.

Magical, right?

Stop fearing fear itself and freakin' enjoy yourself. You're a talented person. Smile more, have it become a pre-set expression.

Remember, embrace your passions. Breath like oxygen is free drug and maintain good posture when sitting and walking.

Everything else is just a toy.

P.S. This website is full of anxious people like you... try to escape it from time to time or associate with the merriest participants. Last thing we need is a bunch of paranoid people confounding our fears right? Right.

P.S.S. If you are reading this you are awesome and not one of the paranoid people... and you will be anxiety free. Completely. So, ya know, smile about it.

18-08-11, 14:42
So So right loved it wooooow anymore lol :yesyes:

Cathy xx:)

18-08-11, 15:07
Great post :)

18-08-11, 17:27