View Full Version : Is this in my head or is it my bladder???

18-08-11, 16:25
For approx 3 weeks now, I had the feeling of a water infection, the whole needing the loo urgently and all of the time. The doctor checked me out and found I'd got a bad case of thrush, so treated me for this, but couldn't understand all the classic symptoms of a water infection, as my urine was clear even sent off to the lab and came back clear. She gave me antibiotics for the water infection anyway, these did help, but a day after i stopped taking them all the symptoms came back.

So I thought I'd go to the doctors again today again ( 3rd time), urine sample in hand, told her that I still had all the sypmtoms of the water infection still, she checked my urine, again it came back all clear.

The doctor thinks that its just taking time for my bladder to settle down, and to just wait. She also thinks it could be my anxiety. She said i have to wait until my appointment next week. If I've still got the symptoms she'll refer me to a bladder specialist.

This isn't helping me in the mean time, I've got to put up with the needing the loo ALL of time and petrified I'm going to wee myself. This is sending me crazy, I can't stop thinking about it and it effecting my day to day life.

Has anybody ever heard of Thrush casing a uti? Or a uti without any sign in your water???


Hazel B
18-08-11, 17:35
Hi, I had all this with anxiety last year. My first sample had blood and white cells so probabaly was an infection. After antibiotics, 2 weeks later I had a permanent need to wee every 15 minutes for about 2 months. It made me so down, as life is not worth living when you're in the loo all the time. I also had anxiety signs such as rapid weight loss, lack of sleep, feeling of being scared all the time, headaches and a really fast pulse ( over 120 bpm and I'm normally 63 bpm). I was referred to a urologist and was told that anxiety can cause this type of thing, the adrenaline can affect our bladders and make them overactive, though I did not pass more fluid, just felt I needed to go all the time. Because I had another ongoing health issue (gallstones) I'd had lots of scans, so my urologist could tell me straight away that my bladder wall was not damaged in any way.

Once I had started to fight anxiety and all my diagnosis issues were confirmed not cancer, the "urge" abated. There was a lot of effort to recover & I've posted this elsewhere but the basics were: take beta blockers for a short time to block the adrenaline panic, stop smoking, stop caffeine, eat well, have counselling, exerecise or walk every other day for 30 minutes & learn to challenge negative thoughts. My urologist said that if the "urge" came back I could have capacity and urethra tests (which sounded scary!) but that has not been necessary.

I hope you get it sorted soon, you have my sympathy.:)

P.s. I saw the doctor and out of hours doctors at my hospital about 15 times thinking I had a water infection and I had 5 different types of antibiotic plus I went for STD testing to put my mind at ease!

18-08-11, 17:57
Thanks for the reply Hazel B, much appreciated. Its made me feel a bit better, so I'm not going mad and its just that horrible anxiety monster...again.x

Hazel B
18-08-11, 20:54
Happy to help. It's rare for an infection to recur when the bacterial tests are coming back negative.

See what happens and if it's no better, go back next week as your doctor says. It won't hurt to check out all options.

Anxiety can do all sorts of things to our bodies.:)