View Full Version : hello i'm new to the site

miss flossy
18-08-11, 16:34
hi , i'm 35, married and mother of one (11 yr old son). i've always been anxious and prone to p/attacks for as long as i can remember . i think its because i moved a lot in my early years , by the time iwas 7 i had been to 3 different primary schools and moved 5 times . it really kicked in when iwas in my early 20's . lots of things changed all at once(yr 2000) i left work to bring up my beautiful son , we moved , my husband got made redundant my parents moved,had family problems come to a head, then my gran died very unexpectedly. i suffered deppression and anxiety . i was put on antideppressents but iwas allergic to them (and was'nt happy been on them anyway) then i had counselling and then cbt. cbt was by far the best for me. i have been a lot better until this year and have had to have cbt again , i've also bought loads of self help books and this is how i found this site, the books are really helping . i tend to have panic attacks when i am travelling,or in a crowded place or last thing at night . i also have a phobia of vomit . my self esteem is very low and i am very negetive about myself i am very open about it all which has led to people saying nasty things to me which ar'nt helpful . i am well on the road to recovery though , and hope this site helps me or i can help someone xx

18-08-11, 16:36
Hi miss flossy

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-08-11, 17:27
Hi miss flossy,

Welcome to the site.
Despite all that has happened you still sound very positive!
Glad you found us.

Emily xxx

paula lynne
18-08-11, 18:14
Welcome to the forum miss flossy x
Im sorry to here people have been unkind and hurt your feelings when you tell them about problems. Please know that we all support each other here, and I know youll get all the help and care you need, and make some real friends along the way. Best wishes, Paula x

miss flossy
18-08-11, 20:07
thanks guys ,you're kind words mean a lot . i do try my best to stay positive but i need to learn that when people say nasty things to just ignore them, its them who has the problem not me. i'm working on this , hahaha i'll get there eventually . my name is laura btw :bighug1:

18-08-11, 22:26
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process
