View Full Version : Moving on slowly...

18-08-11, 17:50
So 2day I had my good friend over who's also part of the forum :) So good to have a natter and discuss issues. I feel better and more positive about our chat. Amazing how much chatting 2 some1 and even a friend makes you feel. I did have dinner though and came over all hot and flushed so had 2 go into the garden for air. Then i had 2 drink my cuppa to relax. I have music on now to destress. I think just talking 2 like minded people makes me feel more able minded. Was a lovely afternoon! I do know though in my heart that this job is not the answer though. Thats not even a sympathy thing either i really need 2 sort my head out. I started on my Citalopram again 2day, 10mg and in 4 days i will up to 20mg.

The only problem is im craving an alcoholic drink but I dont want 2 drink anything as this might make my mind worse? I fancy a gin and slim line tonic (my friends fault for our drink chatter) LOL. But I may have 1 at wkend just so I know alchol is not missed... If that makes sense at all???!!!

20-08-11, 04:14
Yeah, it's good to talk, as long as you find the right people to talk to! If you have just started back on the Cit go easy on the drink. My doctor banned me from alcohol for a while when starting on Sertraline (another SSRI anti-depressant) but allowed me moderate drinking once I had stabilized.

Tyke :)