View Full Version : can anyone relate?

18-08-11, 18:21
Im just wondering if an6one can relate to this symptom.....i am really worried that I'm losing my mind to vcjd. I am convinced that everything feels alien to me;and I anylise everything kind of being hyper vigilant.

I have been trying to watch a dvd box set this afternoon.but. when im watching it its as if I'm listening to the characters talking but can't concerntrate on it at all.a bit like in not listening and taking it in.Im so worried it is vcjd getting worse,or is it because my miind is ruining about it 24 7.

Sorry if this is confusing

X x

Gemma T
18-08-11, 20:18
I have this sometimes. Its like im there but im not. My body is there, i can hear but i cant take it in. There have been times when ive been so de sensitised ive had friends come up to me (close ones) and i cant work out who they are. Im in another world i refer to as la la land and its all apart of anxiety and depression. We remove ourselves from whats going on around us. Trust me this is not vcjd x x x

18-08-11, 20:25
When I was at my worst a few weeks back I was always like that, but I'm not now....

People felt as if though they were miles away from me or as if I was buried and they were talking through a layer of something. I also found myself not listening but instead checking everyword they said too see if I was understanding them.

You will get better. Give it time.

18-08-11, 22:01
Tinkerbelle - have your read the links posted on Kevinwilson's post today called "my obesession with rare disease". Think they are on second reply. May help you too.

Feel better soon Hun. HA stinks eh??


18-08-11, 22:43
Hi Tythanks for everyones reply.this website is so helpful!I'm feeling a bit better right now.....nighttimes and mornings are my worst times.

I'm finding these posts very helpful for me when having the daily argument in my heaf that maybe I just have anxiety.....I'm taking some convincing though.

Night all x