View Full Version : Throat problems

18-08-11, 19:56
Hi. This is my first real post here and I hope someone can help put my mind at rest. Here goes.

Last week I was brushing my teeth and as usual I brushed my tongue and roof of my mouth as far ack a I could. I pushed the brush too far and started gagging and dry retching. It settled quickly and I went as usual and had a couple of cups of coffee. Then when I was getting ready for work I cleared my throat and there was a little blood in my spit (eugh sorry). I freaked into full blown panic. Of course I started examining every time I cleared my throat through the day and there were a few tiny specks of blood. The next there was a little(not much more than the tip of a pen) and off and on since and every time I go into a panic. Of course I looked the internet and found out all the life threatening diseases this could be a symptom of and convice myself I have them

Now my sensible rational mind tells me that if you stick a hard britled toothbrush down your throat there is a fair chance its going to nick something and bleed, but, especially when I see it, rationality doesn't come into it. My wife thinks I'm crazy for worrying about it. I got her to look and she can see like scratches at the ack of my throat.

Is it just me or do others think like this.

Gemma T
18-08-11, 20:21
This aint a disease. Youve either done some damage with the tooth brush or damaged your throat through straining. Ive had bad coughs that have caused the same problem but im still alove and kicking x x x