View Full Version : my obsessession with rare diseases..

18-08-11, 21:13
well to cut the story short, ive been suffering from anxiety and ive been tressing out about vCJD a rare prion disease, but nevermind that doctor google has yet again ruined a month of my life and nothing is making the feeling asif im going to die NOTHING!... well woke up and i feel like inside my chest isa wet sponge, i cant eat, i cant see my girlfriend, i feel like an embarrassment :I(! i cant work, i had to leave school at 15 because i had septicaemia and now mentally im losing it. every day is a struggle, i cant bear my mother leaving my side to work and i keep lying in my bed at night crying and feeling ill.im so sick and tired of all this its more or less disabling me and yet im still not sure this is anxiety!! i just cant breath and my head feels asif its under local anesthetic and my memory is terrible, i realise i need help because i cant live my life like this id rather be dead!! but ill fight and keep fighting until that day and maybe just maybe if i overcome this.. i can help people in the future thats going through what ive been going through this past year, i wish anyone who takes the time to read this the very best and i would like some help from someone who is also went/going through worrying about vCJD or anything in that matter :)

REMEMBER NEVER EVER GOOGLE YOUR SYMPTOMS!! it could have u having a deathsentance in the matter of a few clicks! godbless x


18-08-11, 21:35

I went through this. What got rid of it? Reading about Mark Purdey. He believed that BSE couldn't be contracted from cattle to humans anyway.

Try following links:


Really hope it reassures you as it did me.

18-08-11, 21:42
hi kevin now breathe i know im the same and dr google has ruined me!! i have memory problems but it because i spend everyday and every min worrying so i lose hours and days!! i have cancer in my head i keep convincing myself doc dont think so lol i had a huge scare 5mths ago rushed into hospital with suspected blod clot in my lung and when realesed i had a phone call saying ive got a lump on my bowel which was ok in the end but then health anixety kicked in!!! please dont let this ruin your life easy for me to right and do cause i struggle but your letting it rule you and have you tried meds? im on miritapine and its helped me get some life back and starting counselling soon, i would reccomend seeing your doctor how your feeling everytime i tell doc ive googled it they said dont do it ive don 24hrs and feel better x

18-08-11, 21:56
Keep fighting Kevin. It's all we can do! One day we will triumph over this. MAybe also speak to GP about meds. I do think I am better on mine than I was without.


19-08-11, 01:16
thanks your all so kind, i will keep fighting :) , the meds i was on was sertraline and diazepam but sertraline didnt agree with my body so now i only take diazepam until other arrangements, tbh i think i need intense therapy for a few weeks :/ and laNae ill look at them links now thanks :) wishing u all the best

-kevin <3