View Full Version : Hightend sence of awareness advice

18-08-11, 22:33
Hi guys and girls. I have posted this before but had no reply, so ill try again. Over the last couple of months i have become more aware of me... I meen i feel like im watching out of a shell at my movements and thaughts, and even my own voice, i feel like im paying attention to all above and it feels very strange, i dnt like it. Its gone from a moment , two a day hear and there , to every other few days. Two now all the time feeling like im a spectator to my every movements and chat. So much so it stops me talking as i am so focused on my voice it feels uncomftable. And i then soon start to feel depresed and sad something is not wrong. I havent had a norm day where you just dont see the time go by so quick, because you r just getting on with your day.
Thanks any idears whats going on almost feels as if there is two of me in one shell,,,

bea baker
18-08-11, 23:27
hi there, i also have at times become very aware of my own voice not sounding like my own and also had flashes of not recognizing or feeling like a stranger to myself! i know its scary and it sounds odd but i guess anxiety and panic open a new chapter for alot of people and then they feel like they are losing themselves and i think the more you become aware the harder the habit is to break but it is possible to live normally whilst having these flash instances... you wont go crazy or mad, you have to try not to freak out so much, you are not alone in how you feel there are so many who suffer in silence and dont speak out because they are afraid of being different and sometimes just knowing that it's natural to feel this way at times was enough to calm me at the time of feeling so freaked out and panicking all the time frantcially trying to find answers. hope this helps x

19-08-11, 08:13
Thanks bea for your reasurance. I just feel drained from this as there is no real break in this fealing.

19-08-11, 15:44
This and I still get it know. You seem like your in a dream. Think your voice doesn't sound right etc. At times I thought am I actually here?

I'm guessin its normal

The more you worry thhe more you think and take notice then worry and so on.

19-08-11, 23:59
So how do we move on from it then, whats the answer ? Someone must know

22-08-11, 07:33
S daft and its much harder than it sound!

You have to learn to block it out.
Once you do that the symptoms don't seem as bad and then you forget more then they will so on gradually get better to the point yyou don't notice anythin anymore.

That's why I'm guessing people seek therapy/counsaling. There may be a root cause of it so if there is and you fine what it is out then you will get better. If its just a phase because somethin big is comin up. Well, once that's over it'll be better. However, there is anxiety where no one knows how its developed so they need the help etc to deal with and eventually get over it.

Hard to hear I know. People have dealt with it and got over it and it hasn't come back. Some people live it it all their life. Some have it on and off so really I guess learn to live with it again.

Mine I think. Is from abit of ocd and then exhaustion with givin birth then the hard work that starts straight after 3 long horrific days of child birth!! You know but I'm not totally sure. Try work it out. See what you discover.