View Full Version : ouch i just hurt my self

18-08-11, 22:36
so anxioushttp://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=bobby+pins&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=501&tbm=isch&tbnid=M-0yN8YegBBG1M:&imgrefurl=http://www.faqs.org/photo-dict/phrase/6186/bobby-pins.html&docid=8zodJ8peO4seyM&w=700&h=555&ei=v4VNTujzPMOk8QPflumiBw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=506&page=1&tbnh=150&tbnw=203&start=0&ndsp=11&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=95&ty=114

one of these didnt have the end on and was metal and i stabbed my self and it hurt like hell. what if i piced up a disease. ive gone through half a roll of tissue trping to stop the blood and am in tears

18-08-11, 22:37
im home alone till 12 30

18-08-11, 22:39
what if a piece of metal went in. its a tiny slit. it hurts like hell. its stinging and VERY painful

18-08-11, 22:49
Well, since bobby pins are solid it is highly unlikely that a piece of metal is in your skin. Is there some kind of disease in your house that could have been on the bobby pin that you are worried about? As long as you are up to date on your tetanus, you will be okay.

18-08-11, 22:49
thanks. i thought i was doing really well the last day and a bit now this urgh. i cant help but think something went in lol :\

18-08-11, 22:50
Well, since bobby pins are solid it is highly unlikely that a piece of metal is in your skin. Is there some kind of disease in your house that could have been on the bobby pin that you are worried about? As long as you are up to date on your tetanus, you will be okay.

thats what im worried about. i cant remeber having the tetanus. I hate feeling helplus and i always think "is crying going to make u feel better" and it never does but im sat in tears lol. :(. erm well they wernt mine orignally and my mum never washed her hands and shes used them

18-08-11, 22:53
i cant type with the finger without wincing in pain

18-08-11, 23:00
Can't tell you how many times that I have nearly cut the tip of my finger off working in the kitchen. Not kidding the end of my index finger stays numb because I have cut it so many times lol. Never have gotten a disease from a dirty knife. Promise you are going to be just fine. Try to quit thinking about it and though it seems huge to you at the moment, it really isn't at all. Put a bit of antibiotic cream on it and a plaster and find something fun to do with your time. <3

18-08-11, 23:05
Thanks. I tried to calm down my thinking "how many kids cut there selves playing outside" and how many adults will cut themselves with a knife. hmm well we dont have any antibiotic cream but ive still got a tissue on it. my friends fingers have been numb since he teethed as he used to bite them lol xthank you :)

18-08-11, 23:09
just wish i knew i had a tetanus. apprearly was meant to have one at 15 but only had the MMR top up one. :\

18-08-11, 23:52
i just stretched my finger out wards and it felt funny- all tight and numb under finger nail. cant feel anything in that finger now- its dead lol :\

18-08-11, 23:52
and feels all hard to touch

18-08-11, 23:58
Girly, leave it alone and quit fretting over it. Remember this is just anxiety causing you to think this way. Promise I am sitting over here thinking that you will be just fine ;) and you will. Like you said little kids cut themselves all the time and they are okay. Matter of fact lots of people cut themselves every single day and they are all surviving. :hugs:Stop worrying, big deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth! It's just anxiety, it's just anxiety, it's just anxiety.