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10-05-06, 07:44
hi all wanted 2 no what other people find..i went to bed last night with the window open and woke up feeling terrible..and confused because of my dream..i dremp i was having a asthma attack so i woke up feeling tight chested but it keeps easing away then back again ..i no that sounds weird..i have also got the shaking back thismorning and not sure if its 2 do with the cold or a pa..also feel tummy upset like trapped wind and the need 2 go to the loo and very tence around the neck and jaw..so i was wondering if other people think a. is it a pa or asthma or bad dream and b does the cold affect others like this as i have found since having my pa's start i feel the cold very badly

thankyou for your help and reading this waffling post as you might gather im doing this as im feeling bad now so trying to take my mind off of it

thanks ....russell

10-05-06, 08:33
Hi Russell

I think it sounds like you had a panic attack which has left you with anxiety... this happens to me loads, shaky, bad tummy - the only difference is I feel boiling hot with it - although sometimes I go very cold afterwards too! I think it can just affect your temperature when all that adrenalin has been rushing around doing it's thing!!!

I think if you just sit with it for a little while you will find it will settle itself down soon...

Good luck xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

10-05-06, 11:16
i agree with fee sounds like pa i too get cold, thinking of you xx

jools xx

11-05-06, 10:13
I go cold alot as well hun.

Liz xx