View Full Version : Twitching, side effect of meds or anxiety?

19-08-11, 11:43
When I'm resting, usually about to sleep my whole body twitches. My boyfriend even noticed it last night. I'm wondering if it's a side effect of my venlafaxine (75mg)? or a symptom of anxiety or something?

It feels weird and I don't really like it, I tend to feel anxious after it happens as well.
Just wondering if anyone else can relate?

Gemma T
19-08-11, 12:19
Ive never taken any meds but twitching is definately an anxiety symptom. I had vertigo once and I read a side effect was twitching then all of a sudden I developed twitching. Maybe youve done the same thing x x x

23-08-11, 14:41
I get twitches frequently its common with anxiety it can be worrisome but mentioned it to the doc and he wasn't concerned.

Best thing to do is to try and ignore it (easier said than done i know)

24-08-11, 13:27
My experience is the opposite of the replies above. I've never had any twitching except on medication, both on Clomipramine and more so on Citalopram, my "just about to sleep twitch" could be so bad, one time I nearly flew off the sofa, it was quite funny actually. An ex-partner once joked she felt she'd be pushed out of bed. For some reason I don't get it at all on Mirtazapine.

It can be disconcerting, but it's not serious, just try and smile and live with it.

25-08-11, 19:13
I suffer from anxiety and have had twitching, happens in my fingers and arm. They just symptoms of anxiety, once your better it will go too.