A progressive message forum offering support and advice to sufferers and carers. Ask for help and advice, support others in similar situations, tell us your successes, or arrange to meet up with fellow members. Whatever you need, you will find it on the message forum.
The forum is open to members from anywhere in the world, so is active 24 hours a day. It is completely free to join and is run purely from donations and sales of miscellaneous items (teddies, wristbands, pens etc).
There are seven administrators, from all over the world, who monitor the forum round the clock to ensure its smooth running. There is also a member who is dedicated to providing technical advice to anybody having difficulty accessing any of the site features.
Forums include the following:
- Welcome Topics
- Announcements
- Introduce Yourself
- Meet-up’s and Get Together’s
- No More Panic online shop
- Contacting NMP with comments, questions & concerns, How To’s and Technical help
- Panic/Panic Attacks
- General Anxiety
- Social Anxiety
- Health Anxiety
- Phobias
- O.C.D.
- Depression from Panic/Anxiety
- Symptoms
- P.T.S.D.
- Medical Tests/Procedures
- Medication
- Natural Remedies
- Therapy
- Success Stories
- Top Tips
- Panic Pause/Humour
- Chat Room
- Games and Quizzes
- Virtual Hugs
- Birthday Wishes/Celebrations
- Media/Research Interest
- Useful links
- Misc
- Pen Pals
Key points:
- 5000 members from all over the world
- 24-hour support from other members of No More Panic
- Extensive search facility
- Private Messaging
- Customisable member profile
- Worldwide members’ map
- Monthly quiz, with prize, open to all members