Hi there,

Never posted on anything like this so this is a first for me. In March this year I lost my 11 year old sister very suddenly. About a month afterwards I ended up in A+E with my first panic attack and since then have been plagued with health anxiety. I have materialised in my head brain tumours, cervical cancer, heart attacks and most recently leukaemia.

At the moment...everytime my stomach rumbles I am getting pain in my chest/heart area. I have been getting the tingly numb feeling in my head and feeling generally really anxious and getting the anxious 'zaps'. I have been shaking quite often and feel as though Im forcing myself to breathe! This has been for past 3 days and I have basically stayed in bed. Does anyone else suffer these symptoms? I felt I had been getting better and was back at work but now I feel im going downhill again!!