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Thread: old and forgotten

  1. #1

    old and forgotten

    hi. i am new here. i am going thru a really rough patch right now with my anxiety and agoraphobia. i have absolutely no support system. my husband of 32 years thinks he can just force me to get better. and both of my daughters have basically disowned me because its easier than to have the burden of me. i know i am hard to accept and if i could change things i would. i never used to be like this. i don't like it. i feel useless and alone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Hi amicus

    A huge warm welcome to nmp.

    You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

    Best wishes

  3. #3

    Re: old and forgotten

    hiya amicus im new here too!
    i know exactly how you are feeling because people cant feel or experience this horrible thing.
    people alway like to judge and tell you to get over it but they dont understand its easier said then done.
    is there any support groups near where you live or maybe speak to your doctor

    take care
    kat x

  4. #4

    Re: old and forgotten

    i was going to therapy until i could no longer afford it. there is no support groups close as we live in a very small area. and i am stuck at home even if i could go out as i have no car when my husband is at work which is 12 hour days a lot. my kids don't come to see me much less see that i get out. they want their old mom back. i agree it is hard for them to understand.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: old and forgotten

    Hi, welcome to the forum. You are not alone, I can assure you. Read up on all the great info in the left hand column about anxiety/panic etc.....the more knowledge you have the easier it will be to recover. The brain is a powerful thing.

    Can I recommend the book/CD by Dr Susan Jeffers called "Feel the fear and do it anyway"......Ive used it for over 10 years, and still listen to it every so often to remind myself whats happening to me/why its happening/how to get through it.

    Try aromatherapy, I use tons of lavender. Just smelling it when you are calm is enough to trick the brain into being calm when you feel anxiety rise.

    Learn correct breathing techniques. I use a paper bag during panic, and its a godsend. I was agoraphobic for 10 years. I recovered last year. Facing it, confronting it, accepting it, moving on with the way to go. Some people respond well to meds however, so if you havent done so already, see your doctor.

    Im glad you found us, keep posting, we are all here for you.
    Paula x

    Ps...Ive got a PM that I wrote for members suffering with agoraphobia, if youd like me to send it to you, Id be glad to.
    Last edited by paula lynne; 28-09-11 at 20:30. Reason: Forgot something.

  6. #6

    Re: old and forgotten

    i am 55 years old and have had anxiety as long as i can remember. i used to be able to handle it and functioned well. its been the last 3 or so years i seem to be unable to handle it so much. it has been that long i've been agoraphobic even thou i realize now i never liked going places. i would be glad to get any info i can get so i would be grateful if you could send the info to me. it really helps to talk to understanding and supportive people. i want to get help with my problems not just say they are ok and let them defeat me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: old and forgotten

    Hi and to NMP .you arent alone here .Please read this if you havnt done so already
    Im sure you will find a lot of help and support here .Glad you joined .All the best with your recovery .Luv Sue x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: old and forgotten

    Getting other people to understand, or even just acknowledge, how you are feeling is very difficult. Which is why, of course, we end up feeling useless and worthless. I've been up and down so much for most of my life it's a wonder I'm still here. Wanting to change and get "better" is an important ingredient for survival. Recently I have seen a doctor and am now on medication after refusing it for years. Have to say that, so far, it works. I feel a little better. Ask for help, which you have already done by signing up here, and find out what works for you.

    Good luck.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: old and forgotten


    I have had panic attacks and anxiety for the last 21 years, but gladly not all the way through, i am a recovering agoraphobic and i just want you to know that you can beat this.

    Don't ever lose that hope, it can be done, and i am not the only one who is conquering it.

    We'll support you as much as we can.

    di xxx

  10. #10

    Re: old and forgotten

    i can tell already that this site is going to be a great choice. i appreciate all the support already. i can't wait to get to know you. i have been reading the forums and everyone seems to be so helpful and nice. i should point out i've tried about every med there is over the last 10 or so years. nothing really seems to help much.

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