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Thread: Blood test results: now very scared

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Blood test results: now very scared

    Hi, I posted a month ago after having bloods done for tiredness. Well, initially I was diagnosed with iron deficiency anaemia and hypothyroidism, which I kind of expected (have a history of anaemia and thyroid problems). However, GP wanted to repeat tests after a month to double check results before starting treatment. Whilst filling in the blood form, I asked him if he would also check B12 levels (never had a problem with this) and ferratin levels. He ticked the boxes to humour me I think.

    Today I have got all the results back and he says my B12 levels are low, my Ferratin levels are very low and my Hb levels are still below normal (as well as low thyroid levels). The thing that has worried me is that he is referring me to a gastroenterologist. I am really scared about why he has done this. Can anyone shed any light on why?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Blood test results: now very scared

    I'm not a medical professional so dismiss my contribution at will, but I had similar blood results, and I was referred to a gastroenterologist to check for problems with absorption and possible bleeding due to ulcers. Eventually I was diagnosed with a syndrome known as gastric dumping, where food and nutrients simply flew through my digestive system because of anxiety and related IBS. I was recommended ginger and peppermint tea, and to eat smaller meals more frequently and take iron and B-complex supplements, so it doesn't always have to be dire.

    Good luck, I hope it all works out for you!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Blood test results: now very scared


    Try not to be overly anxious about this. There are far worse blood results to have.

    Firstly, your Hb levels are still low...well you were diagnosed with anaemia so that figures, and it may take time to rectify. As Mr. Jitters said, there are certain gastro conditions that can cause poor absorption, and the fact that your ferratin and B12 levels are low is probably why he has referred you to gastroenterology.

    Hypothyroidism usually goes with low ferritin too.

    It doesn't mean that you have a serious condition at all, it is just that all bases have to covered to check if anything is being missed that can be addressed.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Blood test results: now very scared

    Thank you Mr Jitters. I have a few IBS type symptoms, but painly upper left abdominal pain (on and off). Did you have to have an endoscopy?

    ---------- Post added at 14:33 ---------- Previous post was at 14:30 ----------

    Cross-posts debs71, thank you. I know you are right, my mind always jumps to worst case scenario. When I initially went for the blood tests, I was worried about blood disorders, now I am worried about gastric cancers. But thank you for pointing out that it doesn't have to be that bad

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Blood test results: now very scared

    Hi again Darwin...

    Just to try to reassure you further, in terms of your results, a lot of things would be 'off' if something quite serious was going on.

    Your main results like white cell count and platelets as well as your Hb would usually be all over the place, and things would be done as a real matter of urgency hun.

    I think it is so easy - us being anxious - to look to the worst case scenario. Try instead to look on it if you can as a positive thing that they are investigating all options, which is reassuring, and that the probability is that they can easily treat your condition.

    Take care.xx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Blood test results: now very scared

    Debs71 summed it up far more eloquently than I could

    They took stool samples, more blood tests and a physical examination and decided that I didn't need an endoscopy. So I dodged the bullet there! I get dreadful upper left abdo cramps still if I eat large meals or go hungry, or so much as look at an onion! My Dr. described this as a "nervous stomach."

    All I need now is a nervous liver to go with the set.

    I hope you can have your mind put at ease about this soon. I know how worrying it can be! But my gastroenterologist summed it up pretty well.

    "All that worrying, you'll go giving yourself an ulcer!"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Blood test results: now very scared

    Quote Originally Posted by Darwin73 View Post
    Hi, I posted a month ago after having bloods done for tiredness. Well, initially I was diagnosed with iron deficiency anaemia and hypothyroidism, which I kind of expected (have a history of anaemia and thyroid problems). However, GP wanted to repeat tests after a month to double check results before starting treatment. Whilst filling in the blood form, I asked him if he would also check B12 levels (never had a problem with this) and ferratin levels. He ticked the boxes to humour me I think.

    Today I have got all the results back and he says my B12 levels are low, my Ferratin levels are very low and my Hb levels are still below normal (as well as low thyroid levels). The thing that has worried me is that he is referring me to a gastroenterologist. I am really scared about why he has done this. Can anyone shed any light on why?



    Just thought i would post to reassure you, i have experience of this, my B12 when diagnosed was very low my level was only 109, i have been having monthly injections and now my level is much higher. Your gp will have refered you to a gastroenterologist as standard, B12 deficiancy can be caused by pernicious anemia, for people that have this type of anemia the stomach does not have the ability to absorb b12, it wouldn't matter how many oral suppliments you take it would never bring the level up, but the injections work very effectivly, and is the only treatment needed for pernicious anemia as it is a stomach absorbtion issue this is why you have been refered to a gastroenterologist for further investigation. however just because you have a low b12 this DOES NOT mean that you have pernicious anemia, the doc will most likely do blood tests for antibodies which would be present if you had pernicious anemia, i had these tests and mine were negative and my b12 deficiancy was just one of those things, it may be caused by the fact i am intolerant to all cows milk products and i don't eat any dairy what so ever, but the doc could not be sure. I also ihad my ferratin levels checked as my gp told me they often go hand in hand, my ferratin levels were ok, i am not to familar about ferritin but i think it is about the iron levels your body has in storage rather than the hb level which is to do with the iron levels circulating in your blood and as far as i know this is treated with iron tablets.

    Please try not to worry, b12 deficiancy is very common and very easily treated, if you are offered the injections they work very quickly in bringing the level up, i was given the injections montly as i have severe m.e and sometimes regular injections can help patients with m.e but i think the standard treatment plan is every 3 months.

    Did your gp tell you what your level was? did he/she metion starting you on a course of injections?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Blood test results: now very scared

    Thank you again debs71 and Mr.Jitters. Just hope I can avoid and endoscopy!

    Katie6, thank you for posting about your experience and for clarifying that b12 deficiency doesn't necessarily mean pernicious anaemia. I don't think my Dr knows that, to be honest! I haven't been offered any treatment yet as he wants to wait till I have seen the gastro person. I am on normal iron though. My GP was googling what to do / who to refer me to when I walked in!

    I guess I am most concerned because of the on / off upper left abdo pain I also have. Sometimes it feels musculoskeletal and other times it feels like a gastric problem. I wish I had asked for b12 levels, but was too panicked at the time

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Blood test results: now very scared

    Both my cousin and my friend had exact same experience as you with repeated blood tests showing lowering levels of iron, ferritin and b12 etc and they both were referred to gastro because their Dr thought they had cealiac disease ( gluten intolerance) and after more bloods and an endoscopy they did have this.

    I imagine you are worrying about all sorts of nasty diseases while you wait for your appt and wanted to reassure you that while the above have to eat gluten free food they are fit and healthy and once sticking to the diet their blodds returned to normal so please don't jump to worrying conclusions about your blood results.

    I may be completely wrong but this is certainly one valid reason for a gastro appt.. Let us know how you get on

  10. #10

    Re: Blood test results: now very scared

    Katie6 described it perfectly. I, too, suffer(ed) from low B12 and it was supplemented with injections. My GP referred me to an internal medicine specialist to further investigate my symptoms. He tested my blood for intrinsic factor antibodies. If it is positive it means you have pernicious anemia. Mine was negative. He didn't think an endoscopy was necessary. I did have very mild intermittent abdominal pain at the time, and still do, but that is -according to my current GP- IBS.

    At the moment I feel good and didn't have any injections for a while, about a year now. I had my blood tested a while ago and my B12 was in the normal range, but now my folate levels were low so now I'm supplementing those.

    Don't worry about the referral, it's a common procedure after low B12 levels are discovered.

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