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Thread: My Paroxetine (Paxil) Diary

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: My Paroxetine (Paxil) Diary

    Day 4: Ugh, well I wish I had a better report for today, but I'm definatley feeling the effects of increased anxiety and my reflux had been a little worse these past few days. Starting the meds hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be, but I just hate the feeling of being on edge 24/7! I get a little bit of relief in the late evening, but mornings and afternoons are rough.

    On the other hand, I did leave my house for the first time in days!! I went to spend some time at my moms house and my sister was also there with my baby nephew. I had a few rough moments and the beginning of panic here and there, but I did get to enjoy the baby, which helped me a lot! I'm going to try and force myself put of the house more, because in the long run I know it help me overcome my agoraphobia.

    Ella, so glad I have a support buddy like you that is also on this journey. I am also glad you are doing well and not having too many side effects. I also get sexual side effects so no need to be embarrassed talkin about it! It is such a common side effect... But like you I will take that over the feeling of panic and anxiety any day! Thanks for updating me on your progress... Keep me posted when you can!!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: My Paroxetine (Paxil) Diary

    Day 5: So far, today has been much better than yesterday! I haven't wanted to left home alone since starting this med, but today I woke up without that usual fear (well only a little bit.. Not as bad as before). My mind feels a bit clearer, like I am thinking more rationally about things. Anxiety is still with me, although this has also improved since my last post. One thing I want to mention about my panic attacks... I was getting them almost everyday before starting paroxetine. They were pretty bad ones (shaking all over, felt like I couldnt breathe right, heart beating so fast I thought it would pop right out of my chest! Even called for an ambulance a few weeks ago, that's how bad they are to me! Well, since starting this med I have had increased general anxiety (restlessness, agitation, fearful thoughts) but I feel like I am able to better cope wih the actual feelings of panic and haven't had a really bad panic attack in the last 5 days. Don't know if it's the meds, my CBT therapy or a combo of the two? So that's good news! Also been praying more and putting more of my trust in God which maybe is helping me get some peace of mind. Any type of spirituality, doesn't have to be religious, can be simple meditations, being around nature, I feel is an important part of helping to keep me sane!

    Nausea and reflux issues are still present but mild. I'm eating a little bit better, but still eating because I know I have to, not because I desire food. This is okay with me because I could stand to lose a few since gaining 15 lbs on my last med mirtazapine! :(

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: My Paroxetine (Paxil) Diary

    Day 6: I'm going to keep this update short as I've been feeling really low today. Nausea and indigestion is probably the worst it's been since starting this med. Could barely eat... My doctor said I need to take my pill with a meal which will help reduce the sick feeling. I'm trying to do as he says, but can only stomach some toast in the morning (which he says isn't enough).

    I had a really good day yesterday... Was starting to even feel like my old self at times, but started to feel really anxious at night which im sure triggered the nausea which carried on into all of today. Let's hope tomorrow is better!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: My Paroxetine (Paxil) Diary

    Day 7: Ok, I really need to relax and not let these side effects get me so low! I had a mild panic attack this morning as I felt I couldn't breathe right or something was wrong with my heart. Been reassured it's just gas pains and reflux acting up. My health anxiety is so high right now (just posted in that forum) so I'm scared that I'm not giving these meds the proper chance to settle in. It's just hard to deal with even minor side effects when you're constantly worried about our health! Can anyone relate???

    On a brighter note, still have not had a bad full blown pain attack this whole week! I usually have at least 2-3 pretty bad ones before starting this med. Also, when side effects aren't so bad, I feel much more peaceful and calm.. My daughter and I used to argue about just about everythin (she's one feisty 7 year old) but I've had a lot more patience with her this week.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: My Paroxetine (Paxil) Diary

    Day 8: Felt a little bit better today in terms of the nausea/reflux issues but still couldn't manage to go to a big family get together for Thanksgiving Day. I told everyone I was feeling too sick from the meds to attend and they understood, but I think it had more to do with my agoraphobia and anxiety than the side effects of the medication. Im hoping that if these meds are going to work for me, then they will help me overcome my anxiety about leaving the house. But, I also know that it's going to take work on my part since these aren't magic pills! I'm hoping they give me a little boost in the right direction and help calm my mind down when it starts with all the negative thinking.

    I did manage a pretty good nights sleep, I'm waking up less throughout the night, and when I do I am able to go to back to sleep with minimal problems. I will update again soon... I'm supposed to increase my dose tomorrow from 5 mg to 10 mg so we'll see how that goes. I'm a bit nervous about it, but if things get really bad I know I can always drop back down to 5mgs and let my doctor know. Wish me luck!!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: My Paroxetine (Paxil) Diary

    good luck xx
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  7. #17

    Re: My Paroxetine (Paxil) Diary

    I'm sorry to hear you having a bad time on the paroxetine. I've just started this about 15 days ago. First time on this medicine, was on citalopram and escitalopram previously and for me the side effects are non existent! The first 3 days had constant headache.
    I would say my anxiety has been heightened whilst starting this but somehow I'm dealing with it. My only complaint is that I seem to feel a lot more bouts of light headedness on these which can still scare me! I also get intense feelings of fear that just make my head all confused and dizzy. Mind you reading up on google about adrenal fatigue or disorders doesn't help. I tend to experience the anxiety sensations first ( out of the blue ) then my mind picks up on it and makes a bigger deal out of it than what it should be. I just don't understand I don't feel anxious yet my body continues to give me all the sensations as if I am! Hope it gets better for you anyway

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: My Paroxetine (Paxil) Diary

    Days 9 & 10: Well I let my health anxiety take over and had my mom take me to the ER yesterday because I was convinced I was having a heart attack! After all these years I should know better than to google my symptoms... And just like always stupid google tells me that I may be having a heart attack (nausea, back and chest pain, fatigue). Needless to say they did te EKG, chest x ray, blood and urine test and the doctor says everything came back perfect. I felt so dumb but relieved!

    I was hoping that by now the meds would have at least kicked in a little in terms of helping to clear my mind of all my health related obsessions. I was just about to quit them yesterday, but decided I would wait until the two week point and then tell my doctor how I'm feeling to get some advice. Oh, and I haven't upped them yet because I'm hoping the nausea and anxious feelings will decrease before I do. So yeah people... I'm acting this way over a teeny tiny baby size dose of only 5mg!!! I probably won't update again until i talk to my doctor. But feel free to post here with any questions or comments as I will still check in daily.

    Thanks for the good luck nicola! Rene, sorry to hear that your body is still signaling off all those annoying sensations! They drive me mad!!! Keep me posted on how the meds work out for you.
    Last edited by eva82; 29-11-11 at 06:51.

  9. #19

    Re: My Paroxetine (Paxil) Diary

    Hi luv2teach just wanted to wish you good luck with everything and really hope the meds soon kick in for you, I know how bad this terrible thing makes you feel ... on a positive note I'm feeling loads better, not great but much better than a week or so ago. I'm taking 30 mg of paroxetine now, upped from 20... will see how I feel in another couple of weeks, the doctor told me to take 40 mg but did'nt want to up them to much as I am feeling quite a bit better, I still feel very anx in the mornings but it passes much quicker now, and I have'nt had a panic attack since starting taking them so thats obviously really great. I still feel restless it's hard to sit still like a fidgety feeling in my hands and feet !! anyway please keep us posted on how you're getting on... chin up and all that !!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: My Paroxetine (Paxil) Diary

    Days 11 & 12: Emtionally I've been having a hard a time... Not so much because of the meds but because there is a lot of loss that I've recently had to deal with and sometimes it just takes over. I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but I had to resign from a job I loved in September because of how bad the panic attacks were, and hen within the last month and a half my two grandpas passed away (first real loss of anyone close to me). I just thought this was important to mention, because I have a lot more going on then just anxiety and panic disorder. Maybe if I wasn't also so depressed because of my recent losses, this med thing would be going smoother for me.

    As far as side effects, they are lessening a bit, or at least becoming more manageable. Nausea isn't as bad, and I ate more today than I have sine I started the meds. I actually even ate a meal out of hunger, not just because I had to! So that must be a good sign. Anxiety and depression are still pretty high, but with distraction and relaxation excersises they aren't too bad. So I hope I keep progressing little by little, I just need to have more patience. Sleep wise, it hasn't been too bad either! I sleep for an average of six hours on and off. I am trying to not take naps during the day to see if I sleep better throughout the night.

    Ella - so good to hear an update from you! I am glad you are doing well on them and are able to gt through the morning anxiety! Keep the updates coming... It makes me feel like I'm not so alone on this journey. Quick question: how many weeks total have you been on them now? I still haven't made it to 10 mg yet... But am hoping to up my dosage soon!!

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