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Thread: must to watch this weekend

  1. #111
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: must to watch this weekend

    this has hurt me so much. I posted cus I hoped it would help others.
    Take care
    LYNN xx

    Laugh and the world laughs with you , cry and ? .....
    you need a bog roll. lol

  2. #112
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: must to watch this weekend

    This has troubled me somewhat because I unwittingly started all this by saying that I couldn't take people like Peter Andre seriously. I don't know if I was right to say that or not but it seems I upset a few members of his fan club and then it all got a little out of hand.
    I think debate is a good thing as long as it's done properly. We should all be grown-up enough to know that not everyone agrees with our point of view and respect that. It does not need to get personal and I never engaged in any bitching with anyone - not my style, we should all rise above it.
    I didn't see the interview with Mr Andre but will watch it later on catch-up. Until then I'll reserve judgement.

  3. #113
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: must to watch this weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by Granny Primark View Post
    this has hurt me so much. I posted cus I hoped it would help others.
    Granny P - don't waste time worrying over this or being upset - it happens from time to time in here when people get overheated about threads and is not a reflection upon you or your intentions.

    I for one am always pleased to read your posts and chat with you in chat room.

    Macc Noodle


  4. #114
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: must to watch this weekend

    Well, I watched the interview, for what it's worth. Think they only spent about five minutes on the subject of panic attacks and it didn't go into the greatest detail, which was disappointing.
    To conclude, Peter Andre seems to be a lovely, sensitive man and I don't doubt his sincerity. However he seems to me to be incredibly fragile and even quite vulnerable. He will never lead a normal life, I just hope it doesn't turn him into a "Wacko Jacko". He will always be living in a goldfish bowl. Luckily for him he can afford the very best psychiatric treatment and seems to have a very tight-knit family to support him. Not to mention thousands of adoring female fans.
    Good luck to him.

  5. #115
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: must to watch this weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by Granny Primark View Post
    this has hurt me so much. I posted cus I hoped it would help others.
    Please don't feel bad lynn, i did'nt comment cause i did'nt want to get involved. but watched the show, glad i did it helps to know that people from all walks of life suffer like us, i know you posted this thread with the best of intensions, so don't worry, a lot of people like myself will have watched because of your post take care x

  6. #116
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: must to watch this weekend

    GP - it wouldn't matter who did the post the outcome would be the same so don't worry about it.

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  7. #117
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: must to watch this weekend

    I enjoyed it ,I thought it was very moving in parts .Ive seen him talk about it on the show with Katy Price .His depression was apparently very bad ..He is a nice genuine person and it was brave of him to do this on Tv .Things/Life obviously have affected him like they have with all of us .It takes time and patience to heal .He had a bad fear of Roller coasters too .Shame it wasnt just about the P/A Depression .But it still obviously is very painful for him to talk about certain things ..Early days ..Good luck to him .Hes only Human like everyone else .Its not descriminatory in who it affects . Sue

  8. #118
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: must to watch this weekend

    Oh my goodness....guys seriosuly? We are all suffering very similar things so why bother arguing over a silly thread about an inteview? Lol. We're all old enough to realize that this is a little over the top....

    Everyone is entitled to an opinion , but i think arguing over this kind of topic is a tad silly :S

    Stop arguing and start supporting

    I think its good that panic attacks and depression were being talked about over the tv because it makes more people aware now of our situation....dont hate peter...thank him....hes put u back on the map and made people think ...

    Please check out my sites =) xxx
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    >>> UPDATED!!!!!<<<

    Recovered from Panic attacks , now recovering from Anxiety - nearly there!

  9. #119
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: must to watch this weekend

    I watched it. I have heard Peter talk about panic and depression before. He is a sensitive caring man (I have yet to meet a panic anxiety sufferer who isn't sensitive, or who can't take offence at times where none was intended, as it goes with the included). Maybe this thread should go on the left Nic under side effects. Love to Granny, Lisa, Nic and all who give their time and support to us all.

    "Never wear anything that panics the cat"
    P. J. O'Rourke

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