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Thread: Successful Changes From Seroxat to Another AD - Advice Please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Successful Changes From Seroxat to Another AD - Advice Please

    Hi All

    Well, I've been back on Seroxat for almost 7 weeks now (currently on 15mg a day) and have had all the worst side effects and only one good week, between weeks 4-5 (which thankfully was Christmas week).

    I've been on Seroxat twice before, usually starting at 20mg, but I just couldn't face the thought of the awful side effects this time so started at just 10mg for the first couple of weeks.

    Usually (although I had been at rock bottom on those occassions), I noticed extremely positive results within 4 weeks, not the case this time however, but I wasn't at rock bottom before going back on it, I just knew I was heading that way, but the side effects have sent me spiralling to rock bottom and I'm now considering the option of changing to something else.

    For anyone else who has changed from Seroxat to another AD, what did you find worked best for you with miminal side effects?

    I appreciate everyone is different, and I have read all the posts on here for those that have changed from Seroxat to other AD's so I have a few in mind.

    Any suggestions/advice would be appreciated, I'm at my wits end today.
    For every day we suffer, there's a day of joy coming our way so tally up your bad days and see how much joy is yet to come.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Successful Changes From Seroxat to Another AD - Advice Please

    I'm going to be one of those who is going to say . . . Don't give up to soon!! They can take months to take effect sometimes.

    Stay strong

    ---------- Post added at 11:09 ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 ----------

    Also you say you have started on a low dose increasing to 20mg? You haven't actually settled on a dose yet so you are prolonging the side effects, once your body gets used to one dose you are upping it again. This could be why you aren't feeling any therapy from it. It also maybe that u haven't found the correct therapeutic dose yet, you may need a higher graduation if you have been on this med before.

    Hope that helps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Successful Changes From Seroxat to Another AD - Advice Please

    Thank you for your reply Mallan, in my heart I know thats the case, since I'm already feeling so rubblish I'm considering just upping to 20mg from tonight before I see the GP on Monday. I certainly can't make me feel that much worse that I already do, and I know I should have started straight in at 20mg to begin with to get the full effect quicker, I was just so scared of the SE's, but I got them anyway.

    When I feel so rubbish its hard to remember just how positive I have been and how well this AD has worked for me in the past, I just get absorbed reading all the horror stories and all the fears coming flooding over me.

    I will still discuss other options with my GP on Monday, specifically Mirtazapine, Citalopram and Pregabalin and see what she thinks. I think I'll react similarly with all SSRI's, but I've only ever tried Seroxat and Prozac so I don't honestly know. Just feeling dispondant at the mo.
    For every day we suffer, there's a day of joy coming our way so tally up your bad days and see how much joy is yet to come.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Successful Changes From Seroxat to Another AD - Advice Please

    You do what's right for you lauz, only you know how you feel! You can do it and you will do it! Look at all the other advice you give other people!

    Keep us posted.

  5. #5

    Re: Successful Changes From Seroxat to Another AD - Advice Please

    Hi Lauz,

    I moved from Seroxat to Citalopram to Escitalopram. The worst side effects I've had are with the tiny (5mg) daily dose of Escitalopram I'm now on.

    Seroxat was good for me as was Citalopram.

    I always followed the Doc's instructions and would never suggest deviation from those as an answer to your problem. Just get an urgent appointment and approval on upping the dose.

    Live long and prosper!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Successful Changes From Seroxat to Another AD - Advice Please

    Quote Originally Posted by lauz_lea View Post
    Hi All

    Well, I've been back on Seroxat for almost 7 weeks now (currently on 15mg a day) and have had all the worst side effects and only one good week, between weeks 4-5 (which thankfully was Christmas week).

    I've been on Seroxat twice before, usually starting at 20mg, but I just couldn't face the thought of the awful side effects this time so started at just 10mg for the first couple of weeks.

    Usually (although I had been at rock bottom on those occassions), I noticed extremely positive results within 4 weeks, not the case this time however, but I wasn't at rock bottom before going back on it, I just knew I was heading that way, but the side effects have sent me spiralling to rock bottom and I'm now considering the option of changing to something else.

    For anyone else who has changed from Seroxat to another AD, what did you find worked best for you with miminal side effects?

    I appreciate everyone is different, and I have read all the posts on here for those that have changed from Seroxat to other AD's so I have a few in mind.

    Any suggestions/advice would be appreciated, I'm at my wits end today.
    Hi i know exactly how you feel!! ive been taking citalopram for about 15 weeks now, ive took it before and it worked great but this time its taking a longggggggggggg time!! i went to the doctors last week with the intention of swapping but instead ive increase to 40mg, its now been 1 wk and 1 day on the increase and these damn side effects are driving me mad, had a good day yesterday and then today wham im down with anxiety and nausea i was at absolute rock bottom when i started back on them tho but im not having much faith in them this time round....yet!! xx
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  7. #7

    Re: Successful Changes From Seroxat to Another AD - Advice Please

    Hi Lauz_lea

    You will remember that I posted some time ago about restarting Seroxat. Weill I have been on 20 mg now for just over 4 weeks.

    I must say that I have been feeling much better of late but over the last week I have developed a really nasty head cold and feel absolutely dreadful. Over the last couple of days I have been feeling really lightheaded and nausea so am worrying that it is something more serious when it is probably just the consequences of this cold.

    I understand what you mean about feeling better quicker in the past. The same happened to me. When I took Seroxat before I was so much better quickly it was amazing. This time has definitely been different. However I am going to stick with them because I know they have worked in the past and I couldn't face changing to another drug and ending up with withdrawal effects and new side effects.

    Hope you feel better soon


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Successful Changes From Seroxat to Another AD - Advice Please

    Quote Originally Posted by mallan82450 View Post
    You do what's right for you lauz, only you know how you feel! You can do it and you will do it! Look at all the other advice you give other people!

    Keep us posted.
    I know Mallan, sometimes its easier to give advice than take it, silly really cause I'm usually very rational.

    ---------- Post added at 13:30 ---------- Previous post was at 13:28 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackspratt51 View Post
    Hi Lauz,

    I moved from Seroxat to Citalopram to Escitalopram. The worst side effects I've had are with the tiny (5mg) daily dose of Escitalopram I'm now on.

    Seroxat was good for me as was Citalopram.

    I always followed the Doc's instructions and would never suggest deviation from those as an answer to your problem. Just get an urgent appointment and approval on upping the dose.

    Live long and prosper!

    Thanks John, I'm going to up to 20mg, as first prescribed tonight, I certainly can't feel any worse right now so who knows. My appointment is on Monday so will have a long discussion with GP then.

    ---------- Post added at 13:31 ---------- Previous post was at 13:30 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by nicola1980 View Post
    Hi i know exactly how you feel!! ive been taking citalopram for about 15 weeks now, ive took it before and it worked great but this time its taking a longggggggggggg time!! i went to the doctors last week with the intention of swapping but instead ive increase to 40mg, its now been 1 wk and 1 day on the increase and these damn side effects are driving me mad, had a good day yesterday and then today wham im down with anxiety and nausea i was at absolute rock bottom when i started back on them tho but im not having much faith in them this time round....yet!! xx
    Its so frustrating isnt it, just hate dealing with the ups and downs. Today has been a pretty bum day all round, but I haven't done much to help myself in terms of motivation - I just can't seem to find any anywhere

    ---------- Post added at 13:38 ---------- Previous post was at 13:31 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Spike78 View Post
    Hi Lauz_lea

    You will remember that I posted some time ago about restarting Seroxat. Weill I have been on 20 mg now for just over 4 weeks.

    I must say that I have been feeling much better of late but over the last week I have developed a really nasty head cold and feel absolutely dreadful. Over the last couple of days I have been feeling really lightheaded and nausea so am worrying that it is something more serious when it is probably just the consequences of this cold.

    I understand what you mean about feeling better quicker in the past. The same happened to me. When I took Seroxat before I was so much better quickly it was amazing. This time has definitely been different. However I am going to stick with them because I know they have worked in the past and I couldn't face changing to another drug and ending up with withdrawal effects and new side effects.

    Hope you feel better soon

    Hi Spike, how long was it before you went up to 20mg, and how long before you started feeling better? I did have a great period between weeks 4 and 5, and maybe into week 6 (memory is fuzzy), but then from New Years Day, I've plummeted downwards. Next Tuesday will be 7 weeks, mainly at a max 15mg, though did have a few days at 16/17mg right before the plummet started so don't know if thats what caused the it. I know I really do need to give it longer, its just hard to be feeling so down everyday
    For every day we suffer, there's a day of joy coming our way so tally up your bad days and see how much joy is yet to come.

  9. #9

    Re: Successful Changes From Seroxat to Another AD - Advice Please


    I started straight back on 20 mg after stopping 20 mg fluoxetine. I think initially it was quite strong and the side effects were awful but I persevered and I am now up to just over 4 weeks.

    I have had some AMAZING days but then today I feel awful. Lightheaded and really nauseaus. Like I said in my earlier post I am not sure whether it is the head cold I have causing these symptoms.

    Mind you with my health anxiety and fear of death I am convinced it is something serious - a heart attack is the thing today. The only thing keeping me going is that I have had so many tests by a consultant cardiologist and the last time I saw him was 1 December and he reconfirmed that there is nothing wrong with my heart. If only this damn health anxiety would allow me to believe him and relax but it doesn't. I now think I need to see another consultant - HOW MAD IS THAT.

    Anyway hope you are feeling better - PM me if you want. xx

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Successful Changes From Seroxat to Another AD - Advice Please

    Hi Spike, I just need to find something that I can tolerate I think - I don't mind the physical side effects like dizzyness, tiredness etc, I just hate the mental side effects it causes. I wasn't as bad as I am now before being on this med this time, which has really dragged me down :(
    For every day we suffer, there's a day of joy coming our way so tally up your bad days and see how much joy is yet to come.

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