Hi, I'm not really sure why I'm feeling the way I'm feeling. Could be lots of reasons, I guess? I should be feeling great as I have lots to look forward to with the uni course I'm doing and lots of goals Im trying to aspire to... the world is my oyster as they say....

..... But suddenly I'm feeling so so low and today I didn't get out of bed at all... I also have M.E. / Chronic fatigue (although its not very severe) and lately my energy levels and general wellbeing has been getting worse instead of better... but the less energy I have, the less motivated I become and the less motivated I become, the less energy I have, etc... it feels like a vicious circle!!!

I've been on anti-depressants since I was 16 (I'm 28 now) although they've been changed a few times. I'm single and have been 'unlucky in love' for many hers so a lot of the time I feel lonely, even though my friends keep telling me they can't understand why I'm single and that I'm pretty, etc....

..... I just don't believe them though and don't feel confident about finding someone... whats wrong with me?? I should be feeling great!!! Any advice? Or people feeling similar things??

