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Thread: Cyst?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Hello - I have what I *think* is a cyst on what I believe is my labia. It's not abnormally colored, but it's definitely not supposed to be there. It's up near the "top", not where I've seen most images of bartholin cysts being located.

    Anyway - being the HA person that I am, I've been up and down, reassuring myself that it's fine, and then going back to I'm in trouble. I've had it for about a week. It doesn't feel bigger, really, but does feel more noticeable in that it feels more rounded and 'taller' as opposed to flatter against the skin.

    I'm 20 years old and not sexually active at all, so it's not an STD. Periods and all that are normal. I have never seen a gynecologist because my doctor told my mother and I that it's not really necessary until I'm about 21+ and/or are sexually active.

    I could tell my mother, but I'm a mess at times and sometimes she worries as well. I don't want to be too casual about needing an appointment, as I don't want her to think that I'm sleeping around. I'm in college and *could* visit the campus doctor, as I understand it's free unless they need to schedule any additional tests. However, I've never done anything like this before on my own and I don't want it to become something serious and I then have to explain the situation.

    Any advice? Anyone ever experience the same thing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Cyst?

    If you aren't sexually active, it's probably just a sebaceous cyst, people get them often in areas where you can sweat a lot, such as genitals, armpit, neck, etc. I have one on my neck. They are just like oil cysts. Not to be TMI, but if you shave down there, sometimes an ingrown hair can just harden up and feel like a cyst.

    Also I used to go to the clinic at college and I doubt they would do more than just look at it and tell you that it's fine. So reassurance is a good thing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Cyst?

    Could you not just book a doctor's appt? Why would your mum need to know? It might be nothing, but even if it's not much, they may be able to give you something to help it.
    *Have faith in yourself and you will achieve, for miracles happen when you believe*

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Cyst?

    Thanks, swgrl09. I think I'll call them next week if its still bothering me and see what they say

    @lizzie, thanks for your answer as well. I'm not sure if it works differently there, but it would be complicated to book a dr appointment. For one, my doc is male and wouldn't look at it; i'd be charged and he'd just tell me a gyno number. Going to the gyno myself would be difficult (regardless of my mother finding out) because I would have to fill out a bunch of paperwork being that its my first time, and I would have to provide insurance info....which would involve my parents as I'm on their plan.

    So the college doc it is...hopefiully no meds or testing are required, as I don't want to pay

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Cyst?

    Yes, it would be different here. I forgot you have to pay over there sorry. Here we'd just go to the doctor's surgery, and if necessary we'd get referred to a gyno.

    Let us know how you get on anyway.
    *Have faith in yourself and you will achieve, for miracles happen when you believe*

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Cyst?


    Im sure its nothing serious, any lumps and bumps "down there" that are cancerous tend to be in older ladies (50 plus) BUT good for you for taking note, so many ladies dont even look! every month I get a mirror and just have a peek A doc OR nurse will put your mind at rest

  7. #7

    Re: Cyst?

    Heya Poppy ^^

    I have had that a couple of times over the couple of years, the first time i felt it i was scared and panicked and hoped it would go away, it stayed there for a little and don't want to give much info (gross) but i had a bath and with me poking it i eventually popped was rock hard and under my skin. I then had it again a few months back and the same thing happened, it could have been a ingrown hair or just a boil or a cyst. If you are worried get it checked and i am sure you will be ok

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Cyst?

    Sounds like a cyst..regardless it's best to get it checked out.

    Also, in my opinion you should be going to your gyno for a pap smear once a year..regardless if you're sexually active or not. My mom started taking me to see mine starting at 15.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Cyst?

    I've heard mixed things about the gyno ... I started going at 18, and the doctor then told me that I didn't need a pap smear until I was sexually active, but then I switched doctors after moving and the other doctor said I should have had one anyway. It's confusing, not sure what is the "norm" now.

  10. #10

    Re: Cyst?


    Are these types of cysts normally painful?

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