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Thread: Anyone currently on seroxat? I've just started them.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Anyone currently on seroxat? I've just started them.

    Hi wonderful people of nmp. Just looking for support really I started seroxat last Thursday, well kind if just started with a crumb (just in case) as I have had bad reactions to ssri's in the past. I did take these about 10 years ago and they really helped. I also take 10mg of amitriptaline for migraines. Anyway I have taken this week off work to get used to them, I am taking a quarter seroxat in the mornings. I just feel like I've a mild headache and bit more dizzy than usual, I am dizzy a lot and off balance with my anxiety anyway. I feel I need something to help my agraphobia and severe anxiety, panic attacks, I've tried cbt which helped a little but I am still struggling. Any feedback would be appreciated, thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Anyone currently on seroxat? I've just started them.

    Hi Ann, I am currently taking Seroxat, and have been for the last couple of months, I currently take 10mg a day together with 15mg of Mirtazepine.

    I use the syrup as it is the best to ensure that you get the right dose (and it's much easier than fiddling around with the tablets). Have you considered asking for the syrup instead?
    For every day we suffer, there's a day of joy coming our way so tally up your bad days and see how much joy is yet to come.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Anyone currently on seroxat? I've just started them.

    Hi Ann,I'm currently taking 40mg seroxat but was started on 20mg about 2 and a half years ago.This was increased to 30mg then 40 which I've been on since.I've very recently been put on mirtazapine 30mg because my sleep was very poor,but generally found the seroxat to be good as an anti-dep but not so good for helping me sleep.

    I was on citalopram for 7 years before all this and found it suited me well.Does the amitriptaline help you sleep cos I've heard it does.Good luck with the seroxat,try to stick with it through any side effects.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Anyone currently on seroxat? I've just started them.

    I took it 10yrs ago, but didnt agree with me, so stopped..
    .....when all is said and done and we come to the end of our lifes journey, posessions will have no meaning, and the only important questions will be 'was i loved and did i love enough?'.....

  5. #5

    Re: Anyone currently on seroxat? I've just started them.

    I would not take Seroxat, unless none of the others suit you. E.g. I was put on Citalopram which suited me better, but unfortunately this prevented me from trying to father a child with my wife, so I switched to Seroxat. Coming off it is the worst thing I have ever done, and brought on feelings of depression and rage which I hadn't even had before.

  6. #6

    Re: Anyone currently on seroxat? I've just started them.

    im with mole on this one you only have to google seroxat to find out what a horrible drug it can be.most gps will not prescribe seroxat unless as a last resort

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Anyone currently on seroxat? I've just started them.

    It can be a bad drug for some but for others it can be very helpfull i personaly found it helped me alot. I am not on any medication no more i took it on and of for 13 years and to be honest in that time i tried other ssris and they made me feel terrible a lot worst than Seroxat did.This drug has had realy bad press but to be honest i think it can realy help some people where as others might find it intolerable.The only down side is coming off it aparently but to be honest i came of it okay cutting it down over 6 months i found it relatively easy and didnt experience some of the things people say about it coming off.It did have side affects while on it yawning, tired alot,vivid dreams when i missed a dose,and sexual dysfunction where i still had an intact sex drive but would take literaly half an hour to orgasm.But apart from all this it helped me through some very dark/panicky times.

    I think all meds suit different people and it isnt untill you try them you find out.Seroxat is the most sedating ssri with prozac the most stimulating so i think it is better for panic attacks/anxiety than others in the ssri family which made my anxiety go through the roof.

    Good luck on your choice im currently going the med free route with exercise ,nutrition ,omega 3 supplements etc. But if i ever felt that bad again i would take Seroxat again which my doctor said was fine after discovering all the other ssris cause my anxiety to go through the roof which i then have to stop because it gets unbearable.

    ---------- Post added at 19:20 ---------- Previous post was at 19:14 ----------

    For example Hydrated Mole Citalopram helped you and it did my best mate but i tried it once and it made me so ill i had to stop it because i was having panic attacks constantly,agitation,Akathesia, i was in hell for a month.Stopped it doctor put me back on seroxat couple of weeks later back at work feeling a lot better.So what im saying not pro seroxat but for me and others it can be a life

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