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Thread: My name is Matt and I am in crisis (long post)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Unhappy My name is Matt and I am in crisis (long post)

    Hello to all,

    My name is Matt and I am a 33yo male at my wits end. I am just going to write my entire story in hope of getting some help. Any advice from someone that could help would be much appreciated. This is a long post btw.

    A quick history:

    Early childhood ADD
    OCD onset at 15yo
    Hypochondria early 20's (I had overcame it)
    Depersonalization/Derealization (I had overcome it about 3 years ago)
    Obesity caused by stress full apprenticeship, trying to lose weight -
    Obstructive sleep apnea caused by obesity. (Just started treatment with CPAP 3 days ago not going too well)
    High blood pressure and high pulse rate caused by sleep apnea and obesity.

    Have not seen a psychiatrist yet as they are still on holidays in this small town - have to wait 2 weeks. My meds are 50mg of Zoloft, kept forgetting to take it on and off during this time. My doctor increased it to 100mg and this is my sixth day on 100mg.

    I have been going through some sort of mental health crisis but I can't quite put my finger on what is wrong. I am worried that it is a physical disease because it feels really neurological. I feel like my life is in danger (I am NOT suicidal BTW and never a danger to myself or others. I feel like I have a disease and it is threatening my life) and that my job is in jeopardy. I am an electrician and work for a supply authority. I have been working (relatively) mental illness free for about 2 years (prior to that I struggled through a four year electricians apprenticeship with OCD). It started 6 weeks ago on the last week of work before the holidays. Work had been a bit stressfull lately as my normal boss had been away, a colleague had died 2 months prior and I was given the task that week and 1 month prior to disconnect people's electricity for non-payment (you can imagine the abuse I'd cop for that!). It started with a strong feeling of brain fog - and Depersonalisation/derealisation, a feeling that I was not there and half conscious - this felt really medical. I also had this strange head feeling the whole time. In one week the holidays would start so I just thought I'd stick it out then I'd have three weeks off. I put these feelings down to my sleep apnea - I presumed it was causing these symptoms. The holiday came and I relaxed for the most part, still felt very spaced out and brain foggy but I just sat in front of the internet the whole time as therapy. I went to another city to visit my grand parents and the whole time I was there I did not notice the symptoms once for some reason. Came back down and the next day I was due to start work.

    I woke up in a fog and panicked because I could just not face work. I called in sick for two weeks after going in and speaking to the boss - I felt really spaced out and not there when I was doing this. I was convinced this was a physical problem so I went to get tests done, blood tests came back relatively normal except for slightly raised white cell count and slightly raised glucose, doctor said it wasn't a problem.

    Things seem to be getting worse and I just cannot face work. My sleeping patterns have been strange (going to bed at 12 midnight plus and getting up at 10am) the CPAP made me feel so bad when I tried it I haven't tried it again. I have a constant feeling of dread and anxiety and worse case scenario thinking. Anytime I manage to feel positive the thoughts are gone and replaced with the chemical anxiety for no reason. My perceptions are strange as sometimes I become aware of them and worry there is something wrong with them and the anxiety restarts. My hypochondria has come back - I beat that crap 5 years ago. I am worried that I have some sort of neurological brain disorder or schitzophrenia and that I am going to go completely mad. I keep googling symptoms to find an answer but there is none. I feel this strange groggy feeling in my head that becomes prominent when I turn my head. Tonight I was worried that I couldn't drive anymore but I drove to the hospital to see a nurse for a chat and drove there okay without an accident. I get alot of nonsense thoughts and feelings - that is why I am worried about psychosis. The last symptom I should mention is that my short term memory is shot and I have a very short attention span + feelings of depression. I feel like there is no way out of this, it seems futile, I just want to work again and wire up people's houses. I don't know if this is physical or mental.

    Other symptoms I have though are: mild headache moving around head all day, pressure in eyes that becomes worse when I look extreme left or right.

    The worse thing about all this though is the trying to figure out what is wrong and having anxiety come back - also when I get positive advice and feel hope that I can get well it only lasts for an hour and I have forgotten about it and am ruminating again.

    If you have read this far thank you so much, I do not know what to do - I haven't been able to solve these problems so I was hoping that someone more experienced might be able to help. Thanks in advance for ANY advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi TillySm

    We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

    Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: My name is Matt and I am in crisis (long post)

    Hi Matt ~ sorry to hear you're experiencing such a difficult time. I suffer from health anxiety too and from reading your post I honestly think that your worries stem from anxiety and there's nothing physically wrong with you. I know it's hard to believe but this damned anxiety reaches into every fibre of our beings and convinces us that there's something terribly wrong either with our mental state or physical one. It feeds on itself and we become hyper aware of ourselves and focus on every minute bodily function. We think ourselves into a black hole of panic and misery. The worst thing you can do is google symptoms! All googling leads to something horrific and 99.999% of the time it's wrong!
    The sleep apnea will be causing tiredness and feeling exhausted all the time never helps anxiety so I think this needs to be tackled. it may be a good idea to go back to your doctor and chat about things. From your post and my experience I don't think there's anything wrong with you physically or mentally apart from good old anxiety and depression which can all be sorted with the right help. Take care xx
    Don't worry ~ Be happy

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: My name is Matt and I am in crisis (long post)

    Hi Matt, seems you have a hell of a lot on your plate there which makes it hard to know where to start tackling your problems. I can identify with your feelings of derealisation and brain fog which makes you feel permanently detached from everything. Must be hard being an electrician because in my experience it makes it very difficult to concentrate.
    The weight thing makes life difficult for me as well although I am not morbidly obese. I think you just have to take small steps, maybe take up walking to begin or some sort of gentle aerobics. Then maybe you can tackle your diet (not easy I know).
    You need to keep reasonably active, both mentally and physically.
    We're fighting the same fight so I wish you all the best and hope you get the help that you need.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: My name is Matt and I am in crisis (long post)

    hi Matt
    Firstly, i dont think you have a physcial or neurological disease.
    I have suffered over 12yrs neally alll of your symptons... and we are all trying to figure out what is wrong, because when its not something physical its hard for us to accept, because we cant mend it so easily... (cant mend what we can see)
    Spending all your time trying to fight all the symptons wont help either, will only make them more severe... sounds bizare, but you have to let all the feelings/thoughts to just come, and just not react to them, dont fight off negative thoughts (this only makes them come back stronger, try rationlising with them and replacing them with positives-) depersonalisation is only a sympton of anx, its not an illness itself... that will go as your anx levels go down...
    From all your symptons, it sounds like you are suffering extreme anxiety and depression...
    You will definately benefit from some type of i would push for that as soon as you can...
    Youll get there, just stay positive... and distraction is key, keep busy, dont waste time wallowing in thoughts!
    .....when all is said and done and we come to the end of our lifes journey, posessions will have no meaning, and the only important questions will be 'was i loved and did i love enough?'.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: My name is Matt and I am in crisis (long post)

    Hi Matt,

    From the little flag, it looks like you're from the same part of the world as me. You'll find people on this board who are helpful from all round the world.

    The best advice is to keep taking the Zoloft - it can take a month or so before it starts to have a beneficial effect.

    You mention a number of things which set off your current condition: your normal boss had been away, a colleague had died 2 months prior and you were given the task of disconnecting people's electricity for non-payment. I think just about anybody would be upset by all of that. Don't blame yourself or think that you're abnormal. It's totally normal.

    Hoping things are looking up,


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: My name is Matt and I am in crisis (long post)

    Start adding super healthy foods into your diet.
    Fish is good for omega 3 it helps anxiety and depression and is good for your brain.
    Try pro biotic you fury drinks , the good bacteria can help with weightloss and balance out the little ecosystem in your tummy.
    Natural yogurt and fruit is good too

    Calcium , magnesium , vitamin D and the b vitamins at every important.

    Being tired made my symptoms 1000 times worse .
    So I think focusing on getting rid of the sleep apnea will help a lot .
    From what I've read it makes you tired and can affect memory and concentration .

    Excerise to help the depression as its a natural anti depressant .

  8. #8

    Re: My name is Matt and I am in crisis (long post)

    Hi Matt,

    (TL;DR I have been feeling the same crisis symptoms recently, I think it's anxiety not an extreme neurological problem you're experiencing. Although that doesn't make it any less unpleasant :( )

    I'm really sorry to hear you are having such a bad time at the moment like other people have said, and from my personal experience I would think that anxiety is causing you all these feelings about your health. For example, I spent ten minutes trying to remember what day of the week it was and have convinced myself that I have Alzheimer's disease. I have also been experiencing extreme derealisation, but have managed to rationalize my feelings back to panic/anxiety (plus Alzheimer's is unlikely as i'm in my 20s).
    The weird/comforting thing about all the symptoms you described, is that I have been feeling exactly the same recently. I think you are right in describing yourself as in crisis, due to an accumulation of really stressful factors in your life recently, and that this is responsible for the worsening of your mental health symptoms.

    Sorry for such a long, rambling post, but the upshot are not alone in your situation and hopefully you can find support on here
    dum vita est spes est

    where there is life, there is hope

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: My name is Matt and I am in crisis (long post)

    Hiya Matt

    Well done for getting through the apprenticeship. You want a medal for doing that and carrying so much anxiety also. Studying was a real headache for me ...don't know how I got through it.

    Hope you soon pick up. Sincere best wishes Vince

  10. #10

    Re: My name is Matt and I am in crisis (long post)

    Hi Matt - hope you realise there are a lot of people out there feeling the same. The best thing I ever did was to find this site. You will find lots of support here. Wishing you all the very best xxx

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