Even before I became ill with depression and panic attacks I was very listless and tired all the time. I remember one time I travelled from north to south london to give a friend something before they went out and when I got there I was so tired that I had to sit down for a while and they went out and left me there. They did look at me like I was very strange.

I've thought I must have diabetes and I've been checked for that and passed. I've also been checked for thyroid and one time it wasn't quite right, but the next time it was fine. maybe I've got a food intolerance? Is there anything else it could be?

Even if I have a good sleep I'm still tired and I have big, puffy bags under my eyes, which do my confidence no good.

I guess it could be that generally high levels of stress, depression and anxiety make me so lacklustre or it could be the other way round, some minor illness that saps my energy and makes me feel depressed.

Very often i won't want to do things because I feel so tired or that it would take so much effort and energy to do it, which means that I have been inactive a lot of my life and not really gone out and expanded my zone of confidence.

I'm doing a lot more sport now and eating better at the moment and my mood is better for it, but I still don't feel energised.

I have periods where I'm full of beans, but then that burns out and I'm slow and sluggish again. My weight also goes up and down quite a bit too.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.