Freaking out again...after a long period of being ok..

Yesterday I was in a coffee shop with friends, then suddenly came over dizzy... tried to rest but still felt the same, then my right leg went a bit numb / strange feelings. Felt off balance.

I tried to ignore it, but then ended up going to see doctor. He checked my blood pressure which was 140/85. He said I had hypertension. I told Him I was worried about stroke as my leg felt strange, so we did a CT scan, which was normal. The doc then said that he though that I was getting dizziness in head and strange feeling in leg due to not enough blood getting there.. he tried to give me a tonnne of pills, but i said i don't want them.. i want to get my BP down normally (less salt, more water / fruit / veg / exercise).

Often when my BP is checked, it's normal, and sometimes it's hypertensive. My question is.... I know BP can go up and down.. so if my tests are often normal and sometimes hypertensive, does that mean I actually have hypertension or the beginnings of it? I'm worried as it runs in my family and has cause heart attacks. My biggest fear!!