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Thread: Putting the record straight.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Putting the record straight.

    A few you here may think you know me from what my mum 'tells' you but i want to set the record straight. My mum started suffering from panic attacks about 12 months ago. she had a severe one while out work. It was so bad that she thought she was dying at the time. It was me and my dad that saw to her, helped her and supported her. My partner was also a rock for her to lean too. In fact my partner was more of a 'daughter' to her than her actual daughter who decided to turn her back on her own mother in her hour of need. A couple months passed and the panic attacks were getting worse, yet still my sister wasnt there for her and it was me and my partner who were her support. By this time my dad was really beginning to lose patience with my mum. Come October, and it was time for the family holiday. My mum, dad, sister and her boyfriend were all off to Turkey....or so they thought. When the time came to drive to the airport my mum could,nt go thru with it (totally understandable) she was in a hell of state. With my dad and sister seeing this you'd have thought they would have reconsidered going? But no,they chose to go and leave my mum all alone. Me and my partner took my mum into our home and looked after and helped while her daughter and husband were sunning themselves in Turkey. It was 4 days before they rung her to check if she was ok, by which time she was in a hell of a state.

    Anyway, Xmas came and went and still my mums condition was getting no better and still she was getting no support from my sister, tho she was getting support from her husband. Come March and my sister moved in with her boyfriends family which devastated my mum and made her much worse but my sister didnt care one single bit. My partner suggested the internet my help my mum and thus found this website for her. I taught my mum the basics on how to post and use the internet in general and she was well on her way. I showed my mum messenger, spending many an hour repeating myself on showing her how to use it. I didnt mind tho and neither did my partner, afterall it was helping her and taking her mind off the fact that her daughter didnt want to know. The fact my sister didnt give a toss about my mums condition caused extreme tension between them and a lot of nasty things were said on both sides. BUT, then came the killer blow. My sisters partner started texting my mum and calling her a "benefit fraud, a liar and and attention seeker with a fake illness and an alcoholic". All of which was a complete pack of lies. My sister stood back and did nothing while her partner texted all of this, she basically supported him on it. This made my mums and condition worse and again it was down to me my partner to help, comfort her and support her.

    The truth is this, if it wasnt for me and my partner during the last 12 months ansd in particular the last 3 months, my sister would have seen her and my mum end up in an early grave. Now my sister has come back into my mums life. My mum seems to have a very short memory tho of those who have helped her and chosen to forgive and forget my sisters actions. or rather lack of, even tho my sisters attitude is still the same towards her own mother.

    why am i posting all of this anyway you may ask??? Is to get thanks from my mum for all me and my partner did??? No it isnt. Im posting it let my mum know me and my partner did care and still do (despite the threats we have recieved from you mum)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Do you know something in life we do things for people or should do things for people because we care, not to get an acknowledgement for them and i think you should really seriously consider what you are doing to yourself and your mother on this site watto.

    You are her son, not her keeper, you are supposed to love and care for er because she spent 18 years doing that for you. I am sure you never thanked her and if you think this will humiliate her and make her take notice your seriously mistaken.

    Your mother is a human being, and to be honest no one actually cares or supports this kind of behaviour on this site. Your just making a fool of yourself, you do not have any right to show a grievance towards her on here.

    This just shows what little respect you actually have for anyone including yourself.

    Get rid of your anger through another channel please, irrespective of who did what and when if you want to talk to your mother do it through mediation or learn how to show her a level oh humanitarian behaviour, try sending her a bunch of flowers and a note saying "lets talk mum I love you I am so sorry for my outlandish behaviour"

    Watto no matter what you may agree or disagree with your mother is the most important person in the world and if you want to lose her carry on, I have a feeling you have just pushed the wrong button though.

    NMP is for people with panic and anxiety it is not for airing greivances on parents so stop it please!!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    The fact that you are asking for sympathy for loving your mum is disgusting this should be unconditional. You are totally rubbing this in your mums face. Wow for 12 months you supported her and you feel you need to tell the world about it. Your mother supported you all your life. How dare you come on here to selfishly say how you have supported your mother, so you should support her without wanting thanks for it. There may have been injustice but surely your only concern should be your mother and only her. I know its hard for family members but put yourself in your mums shoes, well actually you cant because unless you have had panic or anxiety yourself you will never know how hard it is ever. It changes a person so much, it takes away everything from that person leaving only a shell of the person they used to be. Please love your mum unconditionally.

    If you have peace of mind you have everything

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Susan, just to correct you but the most important person in my life is my young daughter who,because of all of this i have seriously neglected to help out my mother. Seriously wish i hadnt bothered to help to now. I didnt help her out just so i could get thanks As for getting in touch with her, well i tried ringing her earlier to try and sort things out, then 5 hours later the police turn up at our doorstep saying my mum has contacted them because im harassing her apparently! Fortunately the officer agreed with me in that it was a complete waste of police time and they had more important things to sort out. Myself, partner and young daughter are no longer going to have any contact with my mother at all as a result. If she wants support and help then im sure the good people from this site and her daughter will more than make up for the undoubtedely big gap that will now be left in her life.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    To be honest I don't think anyone has the right to respond to this thread as no one knows both sides of the story, so I suggest it is left to just the people involved to sort it out between themselves.

    Trac xx

    'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    I feel so bad for what i wrote, i was a bit harsh. Please forgive me as it must be so hard for you too and i shouldnt judge you like that. I'm having a bad day today and didnt mean to take my frustrations out on you.
    Trac was right with what she said its between you and your mum and not for anyone else to judge. Again i am so sorry.
    Hope you and your mum sought it out.

    If you have peace of mind you have everything

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    This isn't nice at all, don't like it when people argue, I really really do hope that you two can sort this out, because this is really hurting your mum and making her more stressed out.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Why are threads like this not removed by the administrators - surely this isnt the place to be discussing these issues.

    Darkangel is for living not just for surviving

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    This is the first and last thing thing i will say on this a family matter. Which i might add should never have never have been brought up on this website. I appreciate everyones help, friends and family alike. Ive always been an independent person whos has worked hard to support my family. I find it extremely difficult that i have had to rely on other people for support. For the last 10 years ive been a community carer who has loved my job and been proud that ive been of help to many people. I wont critisise my son cus i love him. Ive got no regrets whatsover. Ive always tried so hard to be a good mum, wife and human being. If ive failed then its not for the want of trying. I just hope now for all our sakes this is an end to it. I know that this really isnt fair on the people who run nmp and the members. There are so many other terrible things going on in the world that when i read all this it truly makes feel sick to the stomach. The only person i need justify myself to is me. And do you know something? I actually like me. Thanks to nmp and my friends on here please let this be an end to it.
    Take care all and thanks for your help and support.
    Loads of love to you all

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    If Lynn wants it removing I am more than happy to do that.


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