Recently I purchased 5-HTP and l-tyrosine for the purpose of helping my anxiety and to stabilize my mood. I've read some great things about these supplements and bought a really good quality one.

The 5-HTP dose instructions are as follows: *Each capsule is 50mg

For healthy mood balance, take 1-2 capsules 3 times daily with food; for relief of symptoms of fibromyalgia, take 2 capsules 3-4 times daily with food. To minimize gastrointestinal side effect risk, start at 50-100mg, 2-3 times daily and slowly increase to an effective dose over 2 weeks. Use for a minimum of 1 week to see beneficial effects for mood balance and 2 weeks for the alleviation of fibromyalgia symptoms

however, I am afraid to even take them for fear of serotonin syndrome, lol! Has anyone had any experience taking this supplement? Can they advise me on how much they took?

Thank you