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Thread: My doctor has said I'm dependent on Valium

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: My doctor has said I'm dependent on Valium

    I had the same thing happen to me years ago when we had a new doc .I was really upset and dreaded not having any in the house whether i needed them or not.
    i was not abusing taking the meds, just now and again.
    I went to another doc in the same practice and she gave them on repeat script ever since (touch wood)

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: My doctor has said I'm dependent on Valium

    Quote Originally Posted by dan1234 View Post
    Not sure if I can suggest this, but I will anyway. Do you know anyone who uses diazepam who could give you a couple? If you are only using 3 a month or so, then it wouldn't be a problem. Seems a bit drastic going through all the hassle of changing GP's just because they don't prescribe benzos.

    I take 12mgs/d - and am happy at this dose.
    I have to change surgeries anyway as I'm moving house soon! Also the doctors here are useless in other ways. 5 weeks to wait for an appointment!! Fun.

    I find around 12mg to be a good dose. That knocks out even a severe panic attack for me. I have noticed they give out a lot of 2mg prescriptions.

    ---------- Post added at 19:19 ---------- Previous post was at 19:18 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Magic View Post
    I had the same thing happen to me years ago when we had a new doc .I was really upset and dreaded not having any in the house whether i needed them or not.
    i was not abusing taking the meds, just now and again.
    I went to another doc in the same practice and she gave them on repeat script ever since (touch wood)
    Oh thank you Magic. That sounds promising. Glad they let you have it on repeat. When used responsibily I think they are life changing.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: My doctor has said I'm dependent on Valium

    Hi all

    I do not wish to rock the boat here, but they are and I quote

    The first benzodiazepine was marketed in 1959. It was described as a 'minor tranquilliser' and an alternative to barbiturates. Benzodiazepines act by enhancing the effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid on the GABA-A receptor, thereby resulting in CNS depression. They are anxiolytic, hypnotic, anticonvulsant and muscle relaxants. They also cause psychomotor retardation.

    They are useful in the short term. However, long-term use (more than three months, possibly even after a few weeks) is associated with dependence and withdrawal syndrome 1. One study found that up to 44% of chronic users become dependent.

    Definition of being dependant is :

    Tolerance: a need for markedly increased amounts of the substance to achieve intoxication or desired effect or markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of the substance.

    Withdrawal: the characteristic withdrawal syndrome for the substance or the same (or a closely related) substance is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms.

    The substance is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended.

    There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control substance abuse.
    A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain the substance, use the substance or recover from its effects.

    Important social, occupational or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of substance use.

    The substance use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the substance.

    The NICE guidelines now state that they should only be used as a short term relief ie no more than 2 - 3 weeks. It's a crutch and not a long term method of controlling anxiety.

    After a few weeks of taking a benzodiazepine or Z drug each day, the body and brain often become used to the medicine. In many people it gradually loses its effect. The initial dose then has little effect and so a higher dose is needed for it to work. In time, the higher dose does not work, and so an even higher dose is needed, and so on. This effect is called tolerance.

    If the drug is taken for more than 4 weeks, there is a chance you will become addicted to it. This means that withdrawal symptoms occur if the tablets are stopped suddenly. In effect, you need the medicine to feel 'normal'.

    Most people who have taken a benzodiazepine or Z drug can successfully come off it. After switching to diazepam (described above), the pace and speed of withdrawal varies greatly from person to person. Go at a pace that is comfortable for you after discussion with your doctor. For many people, the gradual withdrawal and eventual stopping of diazepam takes several months. However, some people take up to a year to reduce the dose gradually before finally stopping it.

    If diazepam is used responsibily it is for "short term use" ie a crisis and not to be taken everyday etc. If you are suffering from panic attacks on a daily basis without the diazepam then I think your gp has failed you, because therapy does more good in the long term rather than diazepam.


  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: My doctor has said I'm dependent on Valium

    What is the source of this information? Several inaccuracies I can see just by having a quick skim of it.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: My doctor has said I'm dependent on Valium

    Wow well that posts just freaked me out! Ive been using diaz and zop daily under physchatrists orders for a while now! X x
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  6. #26
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    Re: My doctor has said I'm dependent on Valium

    Quote Originally Posted by dan1234 View Post
    What is the source of this information? Several inaccuracies I can see just by having a quick skim of it.

    Wikipedia, NICE Guidelines and also Patient UK.

    I have also had a short supply of Diazapam myself for a "Crisis" that happened, had a supply of 14 and took 3.


    and my own opinion
    Last edited by moirascott; 09-05-12 at 20:31. Reason: missed something off

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: My doctor has said I'm dependent on Valium

    I call it scaremongering nicola...I wouldn't worry too much...I have to agree with dan1234. We all know that diazepam can be addictive and people can build up a tolerance. I have been on 12mg daily for 6 months and have never felt any tolerance as defined in moirascotts post........

    "Tolerance: a need for markedly increased amounts of the substance to achieve intoxication or desired effect or markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of the substance".

    And why then do people on SSRI/SNRI type meds also have to taper off slowly...does that not suggest a dependance, also some are on these types of meds for years....does that not suggest dependency too?

    Each to their own I long as you are not abusing. They basically all only mask our symptoms anyway....they are not a means to an end.

    I am monitored by my GP every 2 weeks and I am now starting to slowly reduce as I feel I am making some progress with my anxiety...this is my choice and not on doctors orders. Therefore I believe I am not addicted....they have helped me through a very difficult time but I am slowly improving......

    This is only my opinion and I do not mean to offend anyone Kitti

    "Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn"

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: My doctor has said I'm dependent on Valium

    Hi all

    TBH I think you are all missing the OP heading, which is what I have commented on "My doctor has said I'm dependent on Valium".

    I have given my honest opinion.


  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: My doctor has said I'm dependent on Valium

    Ye - Course the OP is addicted to diazepam, she has 3 a month. GP's are never wrong/ economical with the truth are they. I have a couple of pints a month - should I contact AA?

    Maybe diazepam usage requires more monitoring for the GP ie not putting it on repeat, hence costing the NHS more money, whereas citalopram or any shitty antidepressant can be put on repeat.

    I will address your post tomorrow. Maybe not misquoting the NICE guidelines would be a good idea.

  10. #30
    KK77's Avatar
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    Re: My doctor has said I'm dependent on Valium

    The best person placed to gauge whether a med or treatment is beneficial is the patient. All this chopping and changing of meds is a sure way to screw you up and I've told quite a few docs who recently wanted me to change meds for 'cost' reasons that I'm not a guinea pig in a lab.

    Yes benzos are addictive. No question about that. But SSRIs are no easier to discontinue, obviously varying from person to person, but nevertheless a nightmare for many. I know from bitter experience.

    If a med is helping then make your case and defend yourself. If it was so bad then they shouldn't have prescribed it in the first place and got you hooked on it. If they are the doc they have that responsibility to the patient.

    Never Surrender, Comrade

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