I've been having obsessive compulsions and thoughts for about two years now and it's gotten worse in the last year. Recently it's extended itself to panic attacks and anxiety.
In the last month I've been having intense feelings of being watched and that someone or something is out to get me. I keep telling myself I'm not afraid and actually it would be rather exciting if something actually happened. I've become so jumpy it's ridiculous. The most mundane noises make me freeze and listen. At night I'm terrified, even though there's four others in the house with me. I don't know if I'm giving off the best impression of what it's like, but it is horrific.
I can't leave my water bottle or food or bag unattended in the classroom, because although I highly doubt anyone would try to harm or kill me, I'm frightened they might do something to my things. Is this perhaps just an extension of my obsessive thoughts?
I am always very aware of my actions and I often look at myself from an outside view and tell myself off for thinking these things and doing these things. I often tell myself to stop being so freaking stupid and be normal already. It's tearing me apart.
If you can offer any advice, it'd be great, thanks.
