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Thread: Imipramine/Clomipramine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Does anyone have any experience with either of these medications for panic attacks?

    I have tried the SSRI type medications and am hoping imipramine will work. My shrink speaks very highly of it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Imipramine/Clomipramine

    Id also be interested to know this as this is my next med as venlafaxine really isn't effective for me xx
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Imipramine/Clomipramine

    Hi Nicola - I mentioned the Clomipramine for OCD to my psychiatrist last time I saw him and he said NO WAY quite abruptly - when I challenged him - he said the side effects were too bad and that I would not be able to tolerate? as this drug is supposed to be excellent for OCD? he want Effexor? that is not used as a rule for OCD?

    As regards Imipramine ask Dan - he is on it as seems to be getting on well with it.

    Hope you are ok

    Laura x

    ---------- Post added at 10:37 ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 ----------

    sorry Nicola read the post wrong - Dan is asking for info?? It is meant to be good for anxiety - as has a long history.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Imipramine/Clomipramine

    Hiya - yes I am asking for info - just to reassure me more than anything.

    I started off one week on 25mg, and week 2, on 50mg - the panic does seem better. Lately I have been better - but I won't celebrate just quite yet.

    I am on duloxetine and asked my shrink if it does anything for panic, and he was like not really...

    I asked him what side effects and he said they should be relatively minor - dry mouth, constipation etc. Laura I think these drugs are before your doctors time.

    So far it gets a thumbs up, but it is early days and I won't be counting my chickens yet.


    It has certainly done more than 12 weeks of citalopram, 4 of fluoxetine, and 2 weeks of amitriptyline.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Imipramine/Clomipramine

    Hi Dan, I took clomipramine for about seven years and initially it worked very well for PAs. Unfortunately I was never able to take much of a dose so as my life stresses increased, the panic came back. Definitely worth a go though in my opinion so good luck x

    She said, I'm tired of the war
    I want the kind of work I had before

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Imipramine/Clomipramine

    Sounds promising dan, ill try anything to get rid of this panic and unfortunatly ven isnt helping much x x
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Imipramine/Clomipramine

    Just a little update 1 week on 25mg and 2 on 50mg and the panic attacks are better. Going up to 100mg p/d which I requested.

    Hope I'm not speaking too soon, but it definitely gets a thumbs up from me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Imipramine/Clomipramine

    Clomipramine is a old one but one of best i hear
    for ocd its the top one the usa use it lots
    god bless
    Nil Desperandum

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Imipramine/Clomipramine

    My shrink refers to imipramine as the gold standard. He uses it second or third line due to side effects and easy to commit suicide on them.

    I think they have to be started on a really low dose and increase slowly. 50mg/d is meant to be effective for panic so starting on 10mg for a week or two then increasing over 2 weeks wouldn't be a bad idea.

    I started on 25mg every second day increasing to 50mg after 2 weeks up to 100mg in days hopefully.

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