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Thread: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

  1. #91

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    Lifestyle changes are probably the biggest thing you can do in order to fight HA, at least that's been the case for me.

    I've recently started on my new routine and feel a lot better already.

    * Wake up 6:15 am (When it gets darker, sleep for longer)
    * Do some morning stretches for about 15 mins before going running or whatever exercise I do to really wake up
    * Return and cool down
    * Breakfast with plenty of fruit and a supplement to get the essential vitamins covered so there's no worries there.
    * If there's time before work, do meal prep for the days ahead or something else that's productive and relaxing.
    * Go out to work. Since I have an hour's journey, I've started to use the time to write.
    * Work - Take breaks, get fluids, eat well, etc.
    * Return home, do some organising and sorting out, getting good food in your gut with time to spare. Evening stretches and exercise to help out as well, not as intense as the morning.

    Hopefully I can keep this going, depending on what I'm doing on any given day it'll vary but for now this is what I need to do. I have a full list of exercises to do as well so I don't miss out or forget.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    Quote Originally Posted by saab View Post
    Great post. I have been greatly helped by the Dr Claire Weekes books, so I would add the following:

    Don't fight your anxiety and feelings. You just produce more adrenaline and feel worse. Accept the feelings of anxiety and how your body feels - it's temporary. Let the feelings wash over you, but carry on - Claire weekes calls it 'floating'.
    Her audio CD is fantastic. It's a goto whenever I feel bad. She's one of the best
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

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  3. #93
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    It's nice to see a positive post! I don't suffer from health anxiety. Just plain old garden variety of anxiety. I agree with you, we can get better. I have read some very sad stories here and wish I could offer these people more help. It is to very true you have to trust your doctors or you will never get any peace. I agree that accepting anxiety and letting it go does help. Getting outside in the sunshine, a walk or making a friend can help. Again, great post!

  4. #94

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    This post really​, really helped me today. One to read often

  5. #95

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    Thank you so much for these words! I feel calmer just by reading this.

  6. #96

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    Do you have any suggestion about how to remove my anxiety?

  7. #97

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    I have bad anxiety and its horrible

    ---------- Post added at 20:10 ---------- Previous post was at 20:09 ----------

    I always have panic attacks some times there just sudden and its not nice

  8. #98

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    The same advice about health anxiety I have somewhere else too. yeah that is helpful

  9. #99

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    Thanks I have just read this and am stared to calm down just by reading this .bless u .much appreciated. Jules x

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    Quote Originally Posted by five View Post

    Anxiety and obsessiveness always strikes when I'm already stressed about other (normal) things. This time around I picked up on a number of indicators that a bad episode was imminent. In the weeks leading up to the beginning of the bad period I had had far more panic attacks than normal.

    That is the primary trigger. I go to the doctor who tells me everything is fine but I don't believe him so I go to another doctor. Then, as I slowly and grudgingly accept that there isn't anything abnormal about the thing I noticed, the anxiety goes in seek of a new foothold - I have phantom aches and pains elsewhere as it desperately tries to cling on to anything else suspicious.

    Over the course of the episode, the subject matter of the anxiety itself slowly becomes less and less rational. It spreads itself too thinly in search of a new host-issue. Eventually the anxiety collapses due to its own irrationality.

    The scary thing about the episode I'm currently on the way out of is that the thought pattern went a layer deeper than ever before. Anxiety, as you all know, is the most convincing thing in the world. It always holds the trump card of "but what if this time I'm really ill?" that can undermine the shaky structure of rationalization you keep trying to construct.

    This time, though, the thinking process took on another turn. Whereas before my worry was always 'am I sick? am I going to die?' this time it became so intense that the thought process was 'o.k. I'm sick so now how do I deal with this?'

    It wasn't a hypothetical - the anxiety made the thing I was worrying about into a sort of parallel reality that looked and felt like the world everyone else was inhabiting but was governed by magical thinking.

    I also noticed a new version to the worries I have had before. On top of all the usual worrying, this time I began to worry than by thinking about being seriously ill all the time I would actually bring it about. In other words, the anxiety made me feel anxious about feeling anxious which is a vicious cycle and a definite escalation on what I've had before.

    This is the first time I've had health anxiety where I've recognised it for what it really is - anxiety and not cancer, an auto-immune disease etc. Fear of serious illness is really fear of losing control. I know when I lose control of daily life I am risking triggering my anxiety.

    My plan for the near future is to try and recognize the patterns of anxiety disorder in my personality when I'm feeling good and not going through an episode. I have a tendency to obsess over things and get massively obsessed over a given activity or project before discarding it and moving on. I think this behaviour is the other side of the same coin as anxiety.
    I can relate to this so well! I'm so thankful for this site because it makes me feel less alone. Whenever I feel like it won't get any better and the fear of being doomed for life with these feelings takes over, I read other's stories and insight here. It helps.

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