Thought I'd have a bit of fun and just throw random questions at you! Have added my own answers too. Enjoy!

1. What did your last sent tx message say? 'Not putting Pepper in the cattery - she'd hate it'

2. What did your last received tx message say? 'Trying to get an all inclusive deal'

3. What's going on around you? My colleague is talking on the phone, everyone else looks engrossed in their work (as I should be) and I'm typing this singing away to Snow Patrol. They're on the radio and haven't just popped into my office to play live!!!

4. What's the plan for the weekend? BBQ tonight, blitzing my house tomorrow then off to mum and dads tomorrow night because we have family visiting from Scotland. Sunday - shopping for holiday clothes.

5. Where would you rather be right now? At an airport waiting to board a plane to exotic shores !

6. What features to you like/least like about yourself? I like my hair, it's long, thick and shiny. Hate my short legs - I'm only 5'1!

7. What did you have for breakfast? A banana flavour diet milkshake (not sure if I'm allowed to brand name on here)!

8. What is/was your favourite age? 21 - I was young, healthy and carefree, had a great job (which I eventually got made redundant from), had money to spend and had the best friends in the world. I still see some of them but everyone is so wrapped up in 'life' now and it's different. We still have some good times though.

9. What are you looking forward to? Seeing my family tomorrow night and my holiday in 4 weeks.

10. What advise would you give to your younger self? Travel, travel, travel and don't be in such a rush to grow up.

Have a lovely weekend folks!