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Thread: Jury Service!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Jury Service!

    My anxiety symptoms have been crap the last couple of weeks but I turned a corner yesterday and started feeling better. I also go on holiday in 2 weeks and I'm really looking forward to it - I need it.

    However..... I got home from work last night to find a letter summoning me for jury service in October , initially for 2 weeks but could be more! I know it has to be done but it's a huge inconvenience and I'm starting to feel anxious and getting a headache! I don't know if I'll get paid whilst I'm off work and I can't speak to my personnel manager until Friday, I'm thinking about my workload being covered when I'm off, if I'll actually get selected and if I do what sort of trial is it going to be! I'm trying to tell myself to just accept it for what it is and worry about all those things when/if they happen.... yeh right! Sorry - just needed to rant!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Jury Service!

    I think companies have to pay you if you are called for jury service but if it is making your anxiety worse maybe you could get a medical certificate from your GP declaring that you are not fit enough to do it. I hope you have a great holiday.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: Jury Service!

    Hi Annie - my anxiety doesn't affect me bad enough to be excused. As with everything I overthink - always have done. I always like to know what I'm doing, why, where, when and I just have unanswered questions. Mainly, I'm super-anxious about someone else covering my work when I'm off because I'm a bit of a control freak where that's concerned! I guess you could say I'm slight OCD!

    I intend to have a lovely holiday thank you. It can't come round soon enough! xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Jury Service!

    Feel the fear, and do it anyway.Wishing you all the best, and have a GREAT HOLIDAY

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Jury Service!

    Hi. I did jury service last week and it was great, took my mind off my anxiety.the court pay you for loss of earnings.Good Luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Jury Service!

    just tell them you have no faith in the law and will let the man off for sure
    thats works
    god bless
    Nil Desperandum

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Jury Service!

    Quote Originally Posted by meche View Post
    My anxiety symptoms have been crap the last couple of weeks but I turned a corner yesterday and started feeling better. I also go on holiday in 2 weeks and I'm really looking forward to it - I need it.

    However..... I got home from work last night to find a letter summoning me for jury service in October , initially for 2 weeks but could be more! I know it has to be done but it's a huge inconvenience and I'm starting to feel anxious and getting a headache! I don't know if I'll get paid whilst I'm off work and I can't speak to my personnel manager until Friday, I'm thinking about my workload being covered when I'm off, if I'll actually get selected and if I do what sort of trial is it going to be! I'm trying to tell myself to just accept it for what it is and worry about all those things when/if they happen.... yeh right! Sorry - just needed to rant!
    I would like to be called for jury service. As I have been a patient in a psychiatric hospital it is very unlikely I will be called. Best wishes. I hope that you enjoy the experience. EJ

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: Jury Service!

    Thanks for the reassurances guys. I will get paid from work so that's a huge weight lifted of my shoulders. After speaking with a few people who have done it, I'm quite looking forward to it afterall. All I have to do now is start having faith in the people who are going to cover my work while I'm away! This is actually quite a good test for my anxiety/OCD ! xx

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Jury Service!

    You may not get picked at all , you become a number lol. So dont worry uneccessarily ( Yet )

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