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Thread: Visual Snow Floaters and After Images. Anxiety? =/

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Re: Visual Snow Floaters and After Images. Anxiety? =/

    hi just wondering if any of the posters who have posted on this thread still come on here?i to habe developed visual snow syndrome and buzzing and fullness in both ears, ive read everywhere that visual snow does not get better?mine funny enough all started from severe anxiety panic attacks and health anxiety,ive been suffering from tremors also which im putting down to the ears.has anyones visual snow got better and whats best to settle it.

  2. #32

    Re: Visual Snow Floaters and After Images. Anxiety? =/

    Have any of you gotten better jus wondering

    ---------- Post added at 16:11 ---------- Previous post was at 16:08 ----------

    Im wondering same so after images isnt because im going blind or frome to much phone screen time?

  3. #33

    Re: Visual Snow Floaters and After Images. Anxiety? =/

    Can we get an update on your condition. I myself am experiencing these exact symptoms.

  4. #34

    Re: Visual Snow Floaters and After Images. Anxiety? =/

    Bulgarian here. I had a major panic attack in June 2020, didn't know what it was, got rushed to the ER, doctors had suspicions about a heart attack because of back and shoulder pain, numb limbs, needles in the arms and legs, blurry vision, road was moving under my feet, lost perception of time, etc. I left with a diagnose "panic attack." Blood pressure was 160/120, second panic attack was 180/130. Crazy.

    Got a few more strong episodes, went to other hospitals by myself, one time an ambulance came because my hands cramped, now it's officially a panic disorder.

    I got it on the road, unlocked itself on the highway. I've always had a fear of driving on the highway because I was in a huge car crash, on a highway, June 2014, which is funny. June... Anyway.

    I have Deanxit prescribed, but try not to use it. Only if I feel extremely anxious. I kinda learned to control it. When I start having it, I stop, I breathe, I start thinking about something else. I get it on big open roads.

    One thing that almost never goes away is the visual snow, afterimages for 1 minute if it's a stronger source of light like someone flashing me with their high beams, and the tinnitus. I also feel my eyes heavy, oftentimes.

    I don't get these symptoms if I'm extremely happy, resting, not working, you get the point. I also don't get them if I'm on the pill.

    But I live with it. The afterimages I only get at night, visual snow sometimes during the day. Mind peace can make all of it go away, but I have a stressful job, and I rarely have peace with myself.

    It is what it is. Writing this in case someone reads or googles and he thinks he's dying. Relax, it's just your brain playing tricks on you because of stress. Too much stress...

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Visual Snow Floaters and After Images. Anxiety? =/

    Do yourself a favour and go and read my early posts on this forum. I have been completely recovered for years now. I was you, years ago.
    Author, How to Beat Health Anxiety - "Absolutely the best book I have ever read on health anxiety. It was obvious that the author struggled with this in his own life and has overcome it. That's what gives hope to others who are going through this. Read this book if you are suffering! It will help you!" - Amazon Reviewer

  6. #36

    Re: Visual Snow Floaters and After Images. Anxiety? =/

    illusory palinopsia sucks man, I'm still trying to work out what brought it about

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Visual Snow Floaters and After Images. Anxiety? =/

    Quote Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    illusory palinopsia sucks man, I'm still trying to work out what brought it about
    I understand that you're experiencing similar symptoms and your anxiety is ramped up as you've replied to several symptom threads that date back more than a decade ago. That alone should give you the reassurance you seek as you're unlikely to get a reply to the old posts. Those posts affirm it is anxiety related. Treat the anxiety and you treat the symptoms associated with it.

    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  8. #38

    Re: Visual Snow Floaters and After Images. Anxiety? =/

    fairs I hear you still; I guess my anxiety was high when I wrote all those comments, but the palinopsia is apparently because of hyperexcitability; firing of neurons etc. I apologise for replying to several old threads though I was only just trying to see if maybe anyone in even the slimmest of chances might come back to tell me it's improved or gone for them via some sort of drug etc.

    appreciate the quote, but I don't believe in God he isn't real in my opinion after all the evil I have seen in the world, not to talk of the existence of scientific reason as well.



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