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Thread: advice on commiting myself

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    advice on commiting myself

    I dont want to go to a and e becuas ehten they will get a court order and have me sectioned therefore I cant leave when I choose, has anyone here self admitted themselves to a mental health ward and can you tell me what its like, I just cant cope anymore and feel like it maybe my only option.

    My husband just ignores me, when I go downstairs he expects me to be normal and do everything, Im sure the only reason he is bothered about how I am is becuase Im not cooking his meals and cleaning the house.

    I ask him to comfort me and he tuts and says Im watching the match or something to that effect.

    I am all alone and I need help, I cannot cope anymore and I dont know what to do. I need someone to help me and support me and no one understands. help me, my god someone help me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: advice on commiting myself

    i no in u.k you cant refer yourself in to mental wards anymore well not in wales anyways 100% ..i think unless your sectioned thats only way in to be honest but then its case of how long they choose to sectition you for ..think the rules changed couple years ago in mental health sorry to say unless england has diff rules ..only no the rules of wales...dazza,,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: advice on commiting myself

    Hi Iggy, I'm so sorry that you are feeling that way, it must be very difficult and upsetting for you.
    Have you got a mental health worker, CPN, psychiatrist that you can contact? You can be admitted into a psychiatric ward without being sectioned if they think it will benefit you and keep you safe. However I do think that you have to be in a very poor state of mind and possibly at risk before they will consider hospital admission, simply due to the lack of resources/beds they have nowadays.
    Someone else might know for certain how it works but I think there may also be variations depending on the area you live in.
    Don't give up Iggy, it will get better xxxx

  4. #4

    Re: advice on commiting myself

    Hello Iggy could you go to your emergency out of hours GP?? as they may give you some meds until you can get back to your GP. They will also assess whether you need to present at your local hospital where a consultant will be on call. Big hugs Sharon

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: advice on commiting myself

    there should be a local crisis team you can call, if you ring the out of hours doctor they should be able to give you their number xx
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: advice on commiting myself

    oh jesus I dont know what to do, I went downstairs and begged my usband to help me, he said he cant, hes got enough going on in his own life and has to look after our son. he shouted this at me and my baby boy (age 3) said 'why are you being horrible to mummy?' obviously now I feel even worse, I am alone and totally helpless trapped in this crazy mind that keeps telling me the only way out is to die but Im not going to kill myself, not tonight at least.

    if I feel like this tomorrow then Ill have to seek out more help but not having anyone here who cares hurts me so much. I wish my mum was here but shes in spain and I know she cant afford to come over, god im a lost person.

    How can my husband do this to me? he has totally abandoned me when I need him the most, he wont talk to me, and asks why I cant just be ****ing normal again. Does he think I want to be like this?

    Is it the cit? is it me? ****!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: advice on commiting myself

    Chick you need to calm down, if you was admitted tonight all they would do is give you something to calm you down and you say you have some 5mg of diazepam so if i was you id take one and go and have a lie down xx
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: advice on commiting myself

    Iggy, I know you're really suffering at the moment and it sounds like your husband is struggling to cope with it too. Please try to remember

    You are never alone - we are all here for you

    You are not going to kill yourself

    Your husbands reaction is because he's scared too, of course he wants you back to normal. My husband finds it difficult when I'm not well, forever asking me why and what can he do - as if I knew.

    Sam x

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: advice on commiting myself

    I don't know what the story is with your husband, he doesn't know how to help? Doesn't care? Or is abusive?

    Do you have any family? That you could call?

    There should be a crisis number you can call, it should should be listed on the NHS website or you could ring the NHS number for more info.

    In my mental health hospital they have leaflets informing you of your rights and have a helpline you can ring.
    So if you go to the hospital you still have basic human rights x x

    They are there to help you!
    You could be a day pateinet where they let you home at night, or you could go be there full time, or they may do an out pateint program where you go at certain times for therapy and things.


    It could be meds too if you are feeling worse on it.
    you need to go to your gp or to the hospital explain how you are feeling and tell them about all the meds you are on.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: advice on commiting myself

    I was exactly like you 4 days ago, to the point that I rang the hosp to ask if I could admit myself it doesnt work like that. diazepam helped me to calm down and mine are only 2mg so take yours now go and get some water and take one in 20 mins you will be calmer and be thinking a little straighter. the doctor came out to me I was that anxious she listened and did the or and oh but in the end wrote a prescription out and said she would contact my mental health team on monday. I also rang them everyday because I thought I was going out of my mind since then they have rang me everyday even today and again tomorrow to see how I am coping. you could alwaysgo to a and e and asked to be assessed by a physc team there is always on on call.
    The mornings are really bad for me as soon as my eyes open it starts heaving stomach starts so trip to loo then I can shake and become cold. this heightens my anxiety to the point I cant drink coffee or tea and cant manage weetabix to lunchtime. food is really hard to get down the thought of it makes my stomach turn and mouth water.
    My partner to doesnt know what to say or do he to expects me to carry on cooking making bed etc but know I say do your own cause Im not eating or I make him do things why should I do it in the state im in and they have to learn cause what if you were not there, thats what i say to him. and he as started doing more. but he thing is he think he can just walk out and do his own thing like go to speedway, go out on his pedal bike for couple hours etc and expect me to just sit there on my own. this doesnt bother me when i am ok but when im ill it scare the life out of me. I to have been in a dark place like you only 4 days ago and im not out of the woods yet but the diazepam as help enormously because after lunch i am a lot calmer thats till the next morning then it all starts again.

    so chin up get a cuddle of your son for 10 mins sit him on your knee. and take it hour by hour. xx

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