Dear Shop Assistant,
Yesterday I came in to your shop to buy my daughter some clothes. Nothing unusual about that I know, except that coming in your shop to me, felt like the worse thing that you could ever think of happening, happening to you. There must be something that you are scared of, and I am scared of your shop.

I managed quite well for almost an hour. I chatted to your colleague who talked to me about how hot the shop was. That reassured me because I then felt the heat wasn't only the panic inside me. I even managed to go into the changing rooms at the back of the shop. This took every coping strategy I have ever learned , but I made it.

And then I came to your till. I chatted to you as you rang through my items. I didn't really want to know anything about you, but you see by chatting, it took my mind away from being trapped at the till point. What a pity you ignored me. You gave me the total and as my hands went to my purse they shook so much, I couldn't get the money very quickly. You tutted.

I would like you to know that by this time my legs were also shaking, my heart was thumping and a huge wave of panic swept through me. I began to wonder if I would get out of your shop alive, it was that bad. I walked away from you and my daughter took the change. You muttered about how rude I was and I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, but I had to get outside where the fresh air would hit me and bring me to my senses. I wanted to cry, but I had my daughter with me so we went off to the next shop, where incidentally, the lady who put my goods through the till chatted to me all about her daughter's wedding. I felt better then.

I know you could never know what I was feeling. I was just another customer to you. But just maybe next time you could be more patient, because one day you may be just as afraid as I am. I hope that never happens to you.

Best wishes,