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Thread: Thought I was feeling better

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Thought I was feeling better

    So Im on day 16 Cit 10mg and I feel so down. I was alone all day yesterday and night. I was ok up until around 10pm and spent the next 3 hours tossing and turning just in a pure state of high anxiety and fear. It was that distant feeling when you know that you at your most vulnerable and ready for a panic attack at any moment. I tried relaxationa nd listening to the waves and it did kind of help and I must of fell asleep eventually. I have woken this morning...Not so much anxious (although it's always present in some way along with DP) but I just feel really sad. Yet I neevr cry anymore. Just stare into space thinking feeling negative. I know this is probably making me worse but I feel so spaced out all the time that I can't motivate myself to do anything. Even days with energy I feel dizzy so need to lie down anyway.

    Any advice from people in better stages of recovery that can relate?

    I didn't even have depression but it's getting that way.

  2. #2

    Re: Thought I was feeling better

    things can get better,just dont give up new to the site but read your post and thoughtid jst send you afew words off support. btw i suffer from depression ect for a long time off and on,last two days have felt it comming back so im on this site hopin to find support and advice ect.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Thought I was feeling better

    Loopylu, I hit this point at day 14. Like you say, so incredibly down. I felt like I had been unable to cry properly for weeks.

    In the end I decided to see my GP again, who increased my cit to 20mg (which is what I was on previously). Now I think its too early for it to be the increase taking effect, but I am feeling so much brighter. It is probably my old dose really coming into effect I imagine, so see if you can stick with it a bit longer, or maybe consider asking the GP to increase the cit dose, as 10mg is pretty low.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Thought I was feeling better

    Every once in a while you may get a blip, or an "off" day here or there. it can happen, especially early on. It takes a while to be fully working in your system ... like a month or two. So don't worry, just keep taking it and maybe talk to your doc like others have said.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Thought I was feeling better

    Hi Hun

    Hope you are feeling better today. I have been on 20mg of citalopram for about 3 years now, it is good and helps (well, in my opinion).

    I went through exactly what you are going through, it will pass. The spaced out feeling is pretty normal, but unpleasant.

    Keep going you are only a couple of weeks to a month of taking them.

    Jackie x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Thought I was feeling better

    Sorry you are not having such a good day today, especially after having some positive days, but this often happens and just think of it as a little blip. Hope your day gets better. When I wake up to a rainy day like today it sometimes makes me feel worse

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Thought I was feeling better

    Good afternoon everyone
    I actually posted this on Monday! So luckily I am still feeling good! Alot less depesonalised! I am finding it hard to motivate myself to do anything but I think that is because there isn't really much to do when everyone else is in work. Thanks so much for all support. I know we all get good and bad days so really glad I haven't had another yet!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Thought I was feeling better

    So pleased to hear that I didn't notice it from Monday! I am sitting writing out Christmas cards to keep me busy, have so many it will take ages

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: Thought I was feeling better

    Glad you are having an up day

    Annie0904 I am wrapping Christmas presents at the moment to keep me busy LOL, I buy a lot in the sales for the following year - stocking fillers and the like.

    I defo must be barking mad today x

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Thought I was feeling better

    Quote Originally Posted by merlotsmum View Post
    Glad you are having an up day

    Annie0904 I am wrapping Christmas presents at the moment to keep me busy LOL, I buy a lot in the sales for the following year - stocking fillers and the like.

    I defo must be barking mad today x
    I do the same, I have all the Christmas presents bought and in the loft

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