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Thread: Ideas for what to eat when low appetite/nausea?

  1. #1

    Ideas for what to eat when low appetite/nausea?

    Hello. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions of things that have helped them overcome no appetite/nausea? One of my main sources of anxiety comes from knowing my appetite is not what it should be and then of course when I don't eat I feel even worse. Trying to keep soldiering on when anxious and not well nourished is hard work. I am so frustrated at the cycle I get myself into over this. It's been a fortnight now and I'm worried my appetite is still not back. Any suggestions? x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: Ideas for what to eat when low appetite/nausea?

    I found yogurts, melon and bananas were the only things i could eat when my anxiety was very high and i couldnt eat alot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Ideas for what to eat when low appetite/nausea?

    I am the same, in fact some times I look at a meal and cry because I know I should eat it and want to eat it but just feel so nauseous with anxiety that I can't! I try to eat little and often, my husband is really good at encouraging me to eat. I eat bananas mashed with milk, milk jelly, blamange, fruit...things that go down easily! Some days I can eat some dinner others I can't face it :(

  4. #4

    Re: Ideas for what to eat when low appetite/nausea?

    Thanks for your replies. Yeah - fruit, jelly and a bit of cereal or toast is about all I can do at the moment. It really alarms me though that this is all I have in me to keep me going. I know that this is just not enough which sends me into anxiety overdrive. x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: Ideas for what to eat when low appetite/nausea?

    I've just had a bad bout of gastritis and I was so nauseas I couldn't eat, my Doctor suggested the BRAT diet which is bananas, rice, apple sauce and toast.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Ideas for what to eat when low appetite/nausea?

    I know what you mean and when I do eat it often goes straight through me!! My husband always says that I will be retaining some of the goodness though. Soup is quite good to eat also but I don't know why but when I am really anxious I find it easier to eat cold food rather than hot. x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: Ideas for what to eat when low appetite/nausea?

    I used to have Complan powder mixed with soya milk, I can't do dairy. Its packed with vitamins and minerals. It is like a light meal calorie wise. I felt that I was getting some goodness x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Ideas for what to eat when low appetite/nausea?

    i'm exactly the same the first to go with me when i'm anxious is my appetite you want something but it's like your brains saying NO and you feel so empty which makes you feel worse.
    when i'm like this as the days go on I can manage things like....

    weetabix with milk
    fresh soup (supermarket or make your own)
    rice pudding

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Ideas for what to eat when low appetite/nausea?

    I have the same problem
    Milk, super milk, hot chocolate you can get one to mi with milk or water, flavored milk.
    Meal replacement drinks such as Complan, can be found in supermarkets and Chemists,
    Soups, cupa soups ofen have added vitamins,
    Eggs are good for b12 and protein.
    Sugary drinks for the energy if you feel lightheaded, like 7 up or Sprite. Sports drinks too if you feel dehydrated.

    High calorie foods such as pizza always helps me keep my weight up, for some reason I found pizza to be the best.
    Muffins, chocolate muffins can have as much as 500 calories and arent overly filling.
    Cheese is highish in fat and calories and yay for calcium

    I tend to have a huge amount of veg with my main meal, veg has never ever made me feel sick
    Also if you don't enjoy fruit or find it goes off too fast the Innocent fruit juice range is great, it's just fruit no other ingredients or chemicals

    Multivitamins tablets, or even the chewable ones and liquid ones for kids

    Yogurts with probiotics are good.

    I was considering a food intolerence test as I often feel sick after eating, not had the money yet to give it a go.

    Going to long without eating will cause nausea when you do eat, so try to drink milk or have a lot of small snacks or meals through out the day so your tummy is never fully empty

  10. #10

    Re: Ideas for what to eat when low appetite/nausea?

    Thanks for your thoughts. It's a slow process trying to get myself back to normal eating habits and a stress when it's not happening as quickly as I'd like. Occasionally I do find myself feeling relaxed enough to stomach something small so I guess I just have to hold out for those times. x

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