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Thread: Zyprexa, The anxiety killer but at a price

  1. #21

    Re: Zyprexa, The anxiety killer but at a price

    You're right about the weight gain. I was on Olanzapine for a month and put on a stone. I stopped taking it because due to another unpleasant side effect and the weight I'd put on just dropped off. When I was taking Olanzapine I always felt hungry, craved sweets and cakes and I never felt full after a meal. I've just started taking them again yesterday so fingers crossed I can control the cravings etc better this time.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Zyprexa, The anxiety killer but at a price

    Hi Lampard
    What dose are you on?
    You cannot discover new oceans,until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

  3. #23

    Re: Zyprexa, The anxiety killer but at a price

    5mg per day at night time

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Zyprexa, The anxiety killer but at a price

    I think that you have to be aware of the olanzapine/diabetes link which is never mentioned by the psychs but they look very shifty and don't deny the risk when the matter is mentioned.

    However living daily with acute unremitting agitation is absolutely unbearable and olanzapine can certainly make life more manageable. There are always so many pros and cons with these meds and it's so difficult taking risks when you know how sensitive you are to meds..

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Zyprexa, The anxiety killer but at a price

    Hi Lleksam, your post is much appreciated. I was offered olanzapine a few days ago by a top psychiatrist, but I insisted that I would go with a lesser transquilizer called Lyrica (prebagaline) to see how this works for me.

    It is something like diazepam, but without the side effects (it was invented in 2007, diazepam in the 60s).

    Once again, thank you for sharing your inner experiences (much like mine, to be honest), and I will consider olanzapine now that I've heard this experience.

    Get well and strong, son.
    Disclaimer: Always consult your doctor before you make any decision by reading information on this forum. This forum is patient-experience forum, not a guide!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Zyprexa, The anxiety killer but at a price

    Quote Originally Posted by Emphyrio View Post
    I've been experiencing horrific levels of agitation/restlessness/panic recently and have tried a lot of different meds with no success. I'm having trouble sleeping, feel extremely irritable and snappy, experience intrusive thoughts and feel like I'm constantly having a panic attack. Will this medication help me? I have issues with antipsychotics but I'm willing to try anything to get rid of this constant agitated feeling.
    Although I never had it, I would recommend it to you (how ironic). I saw a top psychiatrist in the country recently and he advised me to try it for exactly what you are describing (racing thoughts, overwhelming anxiety whatever cause, concentration problems, insomnia). I ended up with a lesser version of it (Lyrica), which is not an antipsychotic but an anticonvulstant, but the greatest known advantage of the olanzapine is that it will last in your body for over 35hrs with each pill.... So, no more ups or downs in effect of medication, therefore no worries for the whole day.

    Yes, you probably will feel like a zombie for some time, but you can change it if you or your psychologist will identify the underlying psychological issues which are tying you into re-curring anxiety.
    Disclaimer: Always consult your doctor before you make any decision by reading information on this forum. This forum is patient-experience forum, not a guide!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Zyprexa, The anxiety killer but at a price

    In August I had something of a breakdown because of anxiety, waking up mid panic attack, constant feeling of fear and panic, no reason or trigger. Finding it very difficult to concentrate or enjoy anything. I will be doing normal things and out of nowhere get jolts of extreme fear and that "end of the world" feeling. I have been on lorazepam (up to 4mg on bad days) since September as well as 75mg of venlafaxine after reducing from 150mg two weeks ago. I took 150mg for six weeks and it killed my mood and and didn't help with my anxiety at all.

    I've already gained a lot of weight on Venlaxafine so not keen on that happening if i try Olanzapine but I need to get my life back too. I have had to move back with my mum for three months as I'm unable to cope, leaving the house is a major battle.

    I'm seeing a pdoc tomorrow to discuss all the options. I don't know what he's gonna suggest, I might ask to try this at it's lowest dose and see if it helps. Or maybe have to come off venlafaxine and try something else but I wouldn't want to have to go through the withdrawal as they put you on prozac to help the withdrawal...which of course makes anxiety rocket initially.

    Any advice?

  8. #28

    Re: Zyprexa, The anxiety killer but at a price

    i have ptsd gad unspecified episodic mood disorder and i used to have bad depression. im currently on 5 mg lexapro( psych is weaning me off) 75 of thyroid med levothyroxine 450 lithium and 1 mg of larazapam as needed. i have been having an extreme last five days balwing in seconds feel hopeless panic attacks, they just upped my lithium to the 450 three days ago. i kept telling me doc i didnt feel good and freaking out so my psych wants me to take the levythyroxine down to 50 mg the lithium to 150 mg and keep the lexapro the same but he want to add zyprexa half of a 2.5 mg pill twice daily and will move up to three times daily if needed..... i am beyond horrified, i dont feel safe doing all that at home... but i cant get admitted... i am horrified to even try the zyprexa and i am already obese so scared to gain anything else i am 5'4 and 250 pounds............ any words of encouragement there is alot of reason i probably feel this bad 1 last week my therapist tried to have me work through my rape 2. my period is due in 11 days. and i have a uti... so i have alot going on annnnd me and my husband were super close to splitting up three days ago........ i really need some encouragment i think its the thyroid med making me fell so crappy

  9. #29

    Re: Zyprexa, The anxiety killer but at a price


    I am sorry for bringing up old posts but I feel the same way you guys do when it comes to anxiety. It is pretty severe that I can't even eat, leave the house, sometimes I throw up, I panic..

    ANyway, the doctor suggested I try Zyprexa and I hope it works because right now I am taking sedatives since I can't take any anti-depressants ( I don't respond to them) I hope it works, but I am a little terrified about the weight issue as well.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Zyprexa, The anxiety killer but at a price

    Zyprexa works and works very quickly but there is no doubt that you will gain weight on it even if you excercise and eat sensibly
    dont panic ,put the kettle on

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