I've had to wait several month for NHS CBT for agoragphobia (which developed after a car accident and lost confidence in driving and car was written off) - during this time I also lost my job as a result of this.

Unfortuantely I live in the country where public transport is practically non-existant. The therapist came out to see me but said I would have to buy another car if she was to help me. The NHS did not have the resources to take me out. I'm currently out of work and could not afford to do this....she said Iwas just making excuses and refused to come out to me anymore and discharged me back to GP who said he could do nothing more.

Help what do I do now? I've just been left to my own devices. I need to return to work - but need help to enable me to do this. I cannot afford private treatment.....as I only on ESA which is about to stop because I've been claiming it a year. (in the WRAG group). I live with my Mum and she will be expected to support me on her single state pension. situation just gets worse.

Not sure what to do now?