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Thread: coping with a child with a phobia

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    coping with a child with a phobia

    My daughter has a fear of balloons. To the point where going to children's parties is becoming a very stressful past time. On replying to an invitation I explain to parents that she has this phobia, and the usual reaction is a laugh from them and even if they say balloons won't be present, they usually are. This usually means that we have to leave the party as my daughter starts shaking, sweating and acting irrationally. I know we can't expect every person to remove balloons from their party just because of my daughter, but it is turning a normally happy and well adjusted child into a nervous reck. To the best of my knowledge she developed this phobia after a birthday party when larger children were bursting balloons in the faces of the younger children. If any one can help me help my daughter overcome her fear I would be so grateful.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Will she not go anywhere near a balloon? Because you could hold one and show her that there is nothing wrong with them and perhaps she will see they are ok?

    x x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thank-you for your reply. being completely honest with you the fear is getting worse. About a year ago she would happily hold one. Nowadays not a chance. We went to a family day at my husband's work a couple of weeks ago - the face painting tent was next to a stall with balloons on and she wouldn't go near the face painting. This week we've had to leave 2 parties early because of her reaction. She is only 5, but is aware that it is an irrational reaction so I'm at a loss at what to do, as it's getting to the stage where we can't go to the shops if they have ballon displays and is causing problems if we go away on holiday.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Have you spoken to her doctor about this? Because they may be able to help. Also found some website articles on google...

    Hope this helps.

    x x

  5. #5
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    , , United Kingdom.
    My husband and I had / are considering seeking medical help, I guess that our concern was that we would be met with the same reaction that we recieve from parents; laughter or told she'll grow out of it. Or be accused of wasting their time as so many other people expereince a phobia to some degree. I studied psychology at university and spent some time studing phobia treatments, from what I remember I felt that the varieous treatments weren't suitable for a child so young. I think that we are at the stage where we would be prepared to give anything a chance as seeing her reaction is absolutely heart breaking.

  6. #6

    Re: coping with a child with a phobia

    [I guess that our concern was that we would be met with the same reaction that we receive from parents; laughter or told she'll grow out of it. Or be accused of wasting their time as so many other people experience a phobia to some degree. I studied psychology at university and spent some time studying phobia treatments, from what I remember I felt that the various treatments weren't suitable for a child so young. I think that we are at the stage where we would be prepared to give anything a chance as seeing her reaction is absolutely heart breaking]

    I can absolutely relate to this. Our daughter has blood phobia and I was completely dismissed by our GP, without any signposting to any other services, which has left us nowhere! If you can get some advice from websites and take that with you to the doctors - and make sure you and your husband go to the appointment together - hopefully they will take you more seriously. Good luck!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: coping with a child with a phobia

    HI again Katie, you might not get a reponse from the OP on this one, as the thread is 13 years old.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , Australia.
    I am phobic of balloons and have been for many years (am now an adult). As an adult currently undergoing therapy for this issue, I can only suggest that the earlier you help your child with this problem (as emotional as it may be for you), the better she will be later in life. Mine has become very complicated due to numerous factors, and one of them has been due to avoidance for many years and not having been subjected to facing it at an earlier age. If you seek advice from a clinical psychologist or a good general practitioner, they should understand and be able to deal with all the underlying issues that may be associated with it. You are possibly right with techniques used that they may not be suitable for children, as the psychotherapy being used on me at present would only be understood by an adult, however there must be treatments out there that can help eliminate the problem. I remember many childhood memories that appear to sound similar to those of your daughter, and only wish that something had been done earlier to stop the issue worsening as I became older. Good luck, and I would like to hear how you get on.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    i watched a program with a similar issue to this---the 1st step they did was for the parent to sit in a calm environment with the child and just draw a ballon on some paper, they then encouraged the child to touch the picture of the ballon, then after a few days they then got the child to draw a ballon and then touch the picture--this was done a couple of times in intervals so the child could touch the picture with relevant ease.After they they got the parent to hold a flat ballon and only let the child look at it from a sensible distance and at each practise point get the child to come closer until they can be near the flat ballon---then for the biggy for the child to touch the flat ballon and so on until they can be a room with an inflated ballon without having to touch it if they can.

    ignore the ignorant parents who laugh off your little one--they are obviously unthoughtful--i'm sure your little one will look back one day and think i remember when i was frightened of ballons and it will only be a memory
    take care

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi - my duaghter had severe spider phobia and wouldnt go into a room without scanning ceiling,floor and corners of the room - in the end we contacted MIND and joined the society and then got a hypnotherapist who lives locally to treat her at a reduced fee as she was a child - she is now 2l and is much better in that she will put a glass over a spider and remove it - it took a few weeks with hypnotherapy and counselling but it worked!! dont know if this will help you or not but thought Id mention it. Good luck and love Wenjoy x

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