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Thread: Prozac

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.


    hi there
    i wonder if anyone could help me ? im 15 and for the past 7 years i have been suffering from severe seperation anxiety, phobia of vomiting, and panic attacks, because of these problems i cant go to school or leave the house When i was 9 i was put on serotax i was on it for 5 years i came off it earlier this year, when on seroxat i was able to get out and even go to school. After being taken off it things have got worse i cant even leave the house and have severalpanic attacks a day and my phobia of vomiting rules my life. i have been advised to start on prozac but am reluctant to take this because i was on seroxat for so long. Has anyone had similar problems and has prozac helped ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    i can simpathize with the vomiting thing! do you actually have a condition where you do vomit?
    I have a chronic stomach condition and although i havent been sick i feel it really bad sometimes. And it stops me doing alot as i am afraid to be ill in public. But i am gradually getting better, i take herbs and therapy of any sort whether it be hyponotherapy, CBT, relaxation anything is helpful.
    My doc gave me prozac as i am generally anxious! no panics really only had a few mild ones but they were for a reason not just out of the blue. I took one and decided against it as i dont want to give myself anymore health problems. But we are all different and mabie it can help you, but i think prozac is good as a ''happy pill'' and mabie a panic pill but it causes general anxiety as a common effect so i think my doc was so stupid giving that one to me.

    Did you ever do any therapy like cognitive behaviourable? hyponotherapy or even counselling?
    As you are taking a pill to block the symtoms but you really do need help to get over it not just cover up and mask the symtoms. I would really do this as there is a good chance you may be able to live life without the pills one day, as if you dont u will not get the bottom of the phobia and by just taking pills it wont eliminate the cause of why this fear is happening to you, you need to understand why you feel this way in the first place. Pills will mask the symtoms but not get rid of the problem. So you need to do both and gradually get off the pills for good.
    Hope you get help! it is horrid isnt it honey!
    Email me at if you want to ask anything! i will allways be there! x


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    thanx for the reply! no i dont hav a condition that makes me vomit im just really scared of bein sick. i started on prozac 4 days ago but there has been no change yet. ive been havin relaxation, EMDR, and lots of other things for years but as yet nothin has helped. im taking prozac along with doin psychotherapy so hopefully that will help !!
    thanx gillian

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    It can be a right pain in the **** cant it. How did the vomit thing start? just think yourself lucky in a way that u dont have a condition that makes u feel sick, i bloody hate it!! i think voimiting in public has to be the worst ever hey!! but anxiety is a hard thing to crack isnt it. I see a pyschotherapist, only been twice. Have you thought about cognitive behaviourable therapy? its supposed to be great for panic and anxiety, im thinking of seeing if i can find someone who does it! as i dunno if thats what my psyco does that stuff. I hope you can find something that works! as antidepressants are such horrible drugs to be on. I had one prozac and it give me a headache and after reading all the stuff on it i couldnt carry it on, but u have been on sexorat and thats one of the worst! so u survived that well which is good. I do hope that u can find good therapy though!
    good luck sweet! xx
    P.s look at this link i ordered it! sounds like alot of money but its not really when anxiety rules ya life!! lets hope it does work! i will pay anything to get rid of this crap!!


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Look out for other posts on the forum about the Linden method as someone had ordered it and was going to try it and let us know if it worked.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , .
    I did buy it.
    Its entire contents of 2 CDs could be summarized in one paragraph plus the visualization which was good or not depending on your idea of a soothing voice.
    I really hope it does more for oyu Claire. I had high hopes but ended up sending it back.

  7. #7
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    i dont know how it started ive always been really scared but since i have come off seroxat it has got worse. im seein a psychotherapist so hopefully thatll wrk cos ive tried everythin else! I know wot u mean about the stuff on prozac theres a list of side-effects a mile long ive been on it for about a week now so hopefully itll start workin soon. i hope the linden method wrks for u !
    Gillian x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Gillian

    I cant even start to understand what it must have been like for you over the past 8 years, i dont want this to sound condescending because you sound like a very mature young lady, but we're all adults in here and find it hard to cope sometimes it put a whole lot of things into perspective for me to hear that you have suffered since you were 8 years old - I'm sure with a bit of positive thinking and a bit more therapy you'll be on the right track - it's ruined a lot of your childhood, dont let it ruin your adult life - there's a lot of fun to be had!


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Thanks for that info - I trust you will get a full refund?


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    vinbaloo, did u get a refund on that linden thing?
    claire x


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