Hi Everyone,

If you are on No More Panic right now feeling very anxious and panicky, heart racing, sweating, nervous and scared, doing your best to find a post where someone has had the same symptoms as you so it makes you feel more calm, then try this instead.

Stop reading this post, go to youtube, type in your favourite comedian, wheather it is Peter Kay, Chubby Brown, Chris Rock, Ricky Gervais. Or your favourite TV Show, Friends, Raymond, Frasier etc... Or even your favourite song or a song you haven't heard for ages, a childhood song etc...

Watch the 1st video that comes up for a few minutes or for how ever long you feel like then come back and let others know what you watched and how it has made you feel.

This technique works for me when I need my mind taking off my anxiety.

Hope it works for you too