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Thread: Switching between generics and fluctuations in mood

  1. #1

    Switching between generics and fluctuations in mood

    Hi all,

    I'm new here and just wanted to run a question by experienced Citalopram users. I started on a generic named Citrol at the start of September and after six weeks, and having run the entire gamut of side effects, I started to experience a significant lifting of my depression, anxiety and tendency to ruminate excessively. I'm currently on 30 mg btw. After this point, my pharmacist gave me two different generics, one of which was named Ciprager and the other Ivax. In short, during the last two weeks I have been experiencing some symptoms of relapse, namely crying, low mood, rumination and paranoia. As a result, I requested that my pharmacist supply me with the generic that I started on, which I resumed taking two days ago. On top of all this, since I reverted to Citrol two days ago, I have been experiencing some of the familiar start up side effects of the med, eg. increased anxiety, yawning, nausea and all that bad stuff. I just don't know what is going on and it was a real struggle to make it through the day today. Basically, it's starting to feel like the bad old days before the meds.

    Sorry for the long winded description but in sum my question is this: could this reversal in my response to the meds be due to the different kinds of generics that I've been given? I have run this by several pharmacists and my doctor, who have all basically told me that all the meds are the same and that I am imagining things! However, I feel that I know my own body and that something is definately off. Can anyone shed any light on this based on their own experience? Or should I add psychosomatic illness/hypochondria to my list of ailments

    ---------- Post added at 22:51 ---------- Previous post was at 22:02 ----------

    Anyone? Really need to hear someone else's perspective! thanks.

  2. #2

    Re: Switching between generics and fluctuations in mood

    quick reply: I have now been on cit for 1 yr. I have befitted greatly and I have a and understanding doctor but I would not have got to this stage without the help and support of people on this site. Initially I was told there would be no side effects - wrong, big style even though I initially took 10 mg and then built up to 30 mg. I tried taking at different times, different dosages and can now say that for me, I know more about this drug than my Doctor.
    I have now cut back to 10 mg and I am aware that therapeutic dose is 20 mg.
    For the issue you describe stick to your judgement but be aware that starting on 30 mg is a high dose.
    My thanks as ever to Pink Dove, William Wallace and Psycho Poet.
    Have a look at related messages = Psycho Poet citalopram Guide.

    Stick with it it helps quite a few

    Take care

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Switching between generics and fluctuations in mood

    Hi mazzbotz,
    To my opinion, most of meds have sideeffects when you start, so maybe if you try and think that tthey will pass sooner or later it will ease your worries. Think of the time after - no unpleasant sensations and calm....
    Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is mystery, and today is a real gift, thats why it is called PRESENT

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Switching between generics and fluctuations in mood

    hi,,dont give up ,,,, i have done alot of reserach abou tdifferent brands and yes they can make a difference,,, yest 20 mg of cit is 20 mg of cit no matter what tablet you use. Its te fillers and the coatings that make the change in your body ... i spoke to my good friend who is one of the highest consultants in the region , he said yes the chemsist will tell u they don tmatter but they do ,,,stick to your normal brand ,,,changing can mae u feel like u hav gone back to the begining,,,its hard it happened to me but dont give in ,,,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Switching between generics and fluctuations in mood

    Hi there,

    I think Nippy's got it right. For most people, different brands make no difference (I'm on Venlafaxine and have had loads of brands and have never noticed a difference) but others say they can tell. Some of it is psychosomatic but I believe there must be more to it than that, and the binding ingredients must be the culprit. When I asked my pharmacist, he said that although most people will tell you there's no difference, there is even though it's quite small, in most cases.

    Stick to the same brand in future and make sure you get your prescription in good time before you run out so that the pharmacy can get them in stock if they haven't already.

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  6. #6

    Re: Switching between generics and fluctuations in mood

    Thanks everyone for the support and the advice! Felt like I was losing the plot but it's good to now that it's not all in my head. Feeling a little brighter today, you guys have helped a lot!

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