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Thread: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    Hello all.

    Really, really could do with some encouragement if poss. I've been suffering since yesterday with a really uncomfortable feeling that's sort of below the bottom of my sternum and above my belly button. It feels like I want to burp but just can't seem to shift this feeling of trapped wind. It's sending my anxiety through the roof as some really unhelpful individual commented yesterday that this is a symptom of stomach cancer. It's got me freaking out.

    Has anyone experienced this sort of thing with their anxiety? My wife is convinced that it's trapped wind and the fact I'm working myself up into a state is making it worse. I could just use a bit of support in hearing if anyone else had had this.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    Have you tried tonic water?

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    I have had this before and I know you will probably laugh but the thing that works best for me is baby gripe water

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    I did Nicola, last night. It seemed to ease it a bit but it's a kind of weird discomfort..not as painful as trapped wind but more kind of irritating. It feels like if I could have a massive burp, it'd be sorted but it just won't come out. Maybe it really is 'trapped' wind. You know how these things go, it lingers for a day or two and then the anxious-brain takes right over.

    ---------- Post added at 18:02 ---------- Previous post was at 18:02 ----------

    Annie, I'll give it a try...thank you!

    ---------- Post added at 18:05 ---------- Previous post was at 18:02 ----------

    The other thing is that I've been suffering with an awful nervous tummy for about two weeks. Work has been mega stressful. The lower er, disruption, so to speak seems to have eased but has been replaced with this kind of spikey discomfort just below the sternum. I really wish it'd go away as I'm starting to fret about something horrible going on in there.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    Hi there
    Try Coke not the diet type, pour a glass and let it
    Go flat. Add a bit of sugar to help it flatten faster.
    Sip it slowly. It works wonders on trapped wind.

    I'm suffering exactly the same today but its starting to
    Ease off. Hooray!!
    People say silly unnessasary things that make us anxiety
    Suffers go into full panic, especially the C word.

    It's wind honey Coke and a good burp and blow out!!
    You will be fine xxx
    I CAN, I WILL , I AM

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    Thank you everyone. I don't really want to go to the doctors as I'll feel a complete idiot walking in there and saying "I've got this feeling like trapped wind just below my sternum" to which the doctor will almost certainly's probably trapped wind.

    The other thing is that it does feel kind of, sort o muscular. It's right on my abdominal muscles, slap bang in the middle and i feel it a bit more if i tense them and press there with my fingers. To be honest, I've already diagnosed it being so many things over the last two days, my head is spinning :(

    I really should know better.

    I'm going to have some Alka Seltzer and see if that helps.

    Just knowing that the NMP forum is here and I can sound off my own idiotic insecurities really is a big help. Thanks everyone. x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    I wonder with everything you have described if you may have ibs?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    Thanks Annie. That's something I've been thinking too. If I am, I feel like I was just coming out of a bad episode then this upper abdomen pain started. I'm trying to think that if I've been 'holding' my stomach muscles differently during the last couple of weeks, perhaps now the more typical ibs symptoms are easing, the muscles are relaxing and feeling a bit sore?

    That sounds kind of grasping at straws a bit though.....or maybe not???

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    I have ibs and it does sound similar.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    Hi Dan

    I've got exactly the same thing right now. Are you on any meds? I am on propranolol but coming off it slowly and have been on fluoxetine for two weeks now. Before starting these I had never had heartburn or suffered from trapped wind that i can remember but within two days of starting the propranolol I started to get bad heartburn every day (I've had anxiety for over 6 months and been on propranolol for two months so I don't think the heartburn and trapped wind is just from anxiety though my doctor said it was unlikely it would be caused by the meds though looking on line it seems quite a common side effect).

    I have lowered my dose of propranolol over the past 3 days and not had any heartburn (the doctor told me I could reduce by the way as the fluoxetine should be starting to kick in now) but today I've had that trapped wind/muscle feeling just below my solar plexus exactly as you describe. It's weird. It does feel like a really good burp would shift it but even when I do burp it doesn't go.

    I've been a bit panicked by this on and off all day because my anxiety is linked to a concern that my heart is damaged and i construe all heart aches, pains, pressure and twinges as a sign of a heart attack coming on but keep telling myself I've had similar feelings before and been ok every time as well as getting the all clear following several ECGs and blood tests though it's really hard to be rational with yourself when caught up in the panic.

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